Mass reporting players AFK as a griefing tactic

Tonight while playing two epic BGs I was unexpectedly removed along with a few other people. I spoke to someone still in the instance and they explained that certain players do this in a coordinated fashion as a form of griefing. After being told many times to not abandon a BG now people are removing players by mass reporting them. Is this something new or is it an old griefing tactic?

Now imagine if Blizzard listened to the whiners asking for longer, and stacking, deserter debuffs.


I know right?

“what could go wrong?” :roll_eyes:


Just happened to me as well.

Are the idiots doing this unaware that they can get 2 week bans for it, not to mention a permanent account closure if they keep doing it repeatedly?

I’ve had a 2 week ban given to me for telling chat to do that to someone that wasn’t AFK. I hope these morons comprehend that they’ll be getting way more than a 15 minute deserter (from the game) pegged onto them.

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About time they learned. People have been doing this since WoD. Only AV though.


I saw someone say this on some other thread and had to laugh and grimace at the same time because he’s right - paraphrased: Avoid typing in BGs. In other words, if you avoid typing you don’t ‘call attention’ to yourself for griefing. Which of course is truly sad because you are supposed to communicate in BGs - especially epic BGs - to have a decent chance to win. If your team lacks communication, you will likely lose. And by communication I mean things like calling incs, reporting enemy numbers, and constructive directions, preferably if you understand the BG strat and know what needs to be done (note that strat can be pretty dynamic on large maps).

Anyway, not sure what can be done to get the griefers. The only thing I can think of is note at the start of the game which players have crowns. They are the leaders of pre-organized groups in the BG and are most likely to be part of a ‘griefing group.’

And before some people go nutso and claim I’m saying “get rid of premades” - I’m not saying that and I’m not saying “all premades are bad.” It’s just that, using logic, griefers are often in a premade because I think you only need 4-5 people to report folks out in epic BGs. This forum has discussed that problem before but blizz doesn’t care, so… :stuck_out_tongue:

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I wonder if the Premades are doing this to get their people in the BG?


More than likely given premade abusers will cheat and exploit for any advantage they can get, rather than playing fair.


Well thanks for the replies, thought I was going nuts or something. And I didn’t really talk in the BGs other than to call an INC on a workshop. Guess it is what it is.

Was more of a wod premade type of thing to do.

if you want to be free of being afk grief reported…just be quiet. Talking in chat makes it easy for griefers to right click you. You may lose the bg /cry but its unlikely you will be grieved out.

Most of the grief boots I see only occur when the masses of the premade are losing, or are being challenged for their “tactics”.

Stay quiet, participate as you wish, and let the children play.

For some reason I was just booted from ashran.

Frustrating I now have deserter, someone I whispered said all they saw was me leaving and I think being 2nd on heals should be a good indicator I was not afk.

Yep this just happened to me. Along with the usual “noob pve players shouldn’t pvp” insults in a CASUAL EPIC BG! lol

Well damn, what did you say?

Alliance casuals don’t like having their strats questioned, so it’s best to just stay quiet most of the time… I’m guessing you got into an argument over strategy? :thinking:

Which doesn’t mean it can’t continued now. “Everything old is new again” yadda yadda.

Report it as griefing. It is actionable; the premades learned this back in WoD. You can list only the time/day and the BG you were in, and Blizzard can look up who was playing. They are capable of recognizing patterns and seeing the same names/groups over and over.

No one got actioned in wod over mass reporting.

I wouldn’t be so sure of that. I know they were very grudging about acknowledging it was actionable.

In any case, I bet they would now.

Trust me, they didn’t. Probably wouldn’t now either. Just read the tweet.