Mass Reporting is a major problem

Hearing and being are two very different things. Regardless, it’s a non-factor now.


Non issue? Its happened several times to different people. Something is wrong if its happening after they return and have not made any posts to be reported on.

To be frank, what you’re saying doesn’t make sense, nor will make what you’re saying come true. There would be a notice/warning of others reporting the person. And more will lead to a ticket being made for a GM to look into.

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Or, and hear me out. It really isn’t, and you are blowing this out of proportion for whatever reasons you have (as shown above). These “friends” ran afoul of the rules, and received the punishments. You will not be given an explanation on how to armchair your (their) way out of it. If you have a suggestion feel free to make it in the appropriate forum (This aint it), otherwise these anonymous people can come in and ask but this this line of “questioning” you are stuck on seems awfully agenda driven.

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First thing just to be crystal clear, not every report generates these warnings every time. There are certain conditions in which a player will be told that players are reporting them. This is a courtesy to allow a player to take a step back and if they are breaking the rules, stop the behavior.

It is not guaranteed to happen every time, it is not guaranteed that you will definitely get a warning before any account action, and there’s even no guarantee that the report(s) that cause the warning will not result in an action. It’s a courtesy, nothing more.

Now, as to why someone may not see them in time, that’s usually a UI issue, possibly an add-on blocking the notice. No one can really answer that, not even Blizzard. And seeing as how all of these questions are seemingly hearsay, there’s really not much that can be confirmed or explained.

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Also to add to this, noone, not the GM’s, not the SFA’s here, can see what the warnings were for. They can only see things when they rise to the level of a report.


I love the “they didn’t read the rules so its not thier fault” argument lol if thats the case than no one would be banned, i didn’t realize botting was against tos

you are responsible for your account, and the actions on it. Just like IRL. People may not like the way you speak and or treat them. This has been the standard for decades, not just in wow.

botting as been heavily frowned upon and actionable across all gaming platforms for decades. you have not been paying attention.

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I’m pretty sure Erakos was being sarcastic. They were saying the if Blizzard accepted the excuse of “I didn’t know the rules”, then everyone would just bot, and then claim they didn’t know botting was against the rules.


ah, well quotations would have helped i suppose.

but it makes sense now

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i use to love chat , now i say nothing

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There’s a Trade - Services channel, use that.

That would’ve come before the first action. 7 day suspension means your friend is past the warning phase.

No, but it can be quite annoying, depending on what’s going on.

Yeah that’s 100% your fault. I read it, and it’s factually considered (by multiple legal cases and justice systems across the world) the responsibility of the one agreeing to a legal document to read what they’re agreeing to. If they don’t and run afoul of it, well they should’ve read it.

Correct, it should, including the people who’re annoyed by excessive advertising in chat channels. Everyone includes both parties, and only one party is breaking the rules designed to ensure it’s enjoyable for everyone.

They’re pretty easy to follow honestly, but for those who have issues that’s what the warnings are for, and those came before the silences and bans.

No it isn’t. Especially as warnings would indeed have gone out. There’s plenty of chances to not get silenced or banned.


Ignorance of rules that blizzard has is not a defence. If you or they can’t be bothered reading the end user agreements etc then that’s on you and them. No one is above the rules of this game.
Doesn’t matter how long someone has played the game we all abide by the same guidelines. If you don’t follow the guidelines then that’s a you problem.