Mass reporting carries in chat

Which is exactly the point of the forum post. Blizz won’t be aware if they don’t see it somwhere.

BLizzard never looks at reports. They have their own systems in place for such stuff

They will see it in your report of course.

Yep, which is exactly why this can happen. They aren’t even doing MINIMAL cross referencing of “language” or “spamming” reports with chat data.

I have MULTIPLE screenshots of people posting in trade chat right now to REPORT ALL BOOSTERS and “[2] [Cdsnuts]: lol reports work boys, got some boosting spammers banned already”

That’s likely a troll, people say things just to play mind games

I would’ve thought that too, until I got banned within 30 minutes lol

Naming and shaming constitutes harassment

Accusing named or otherwise identified individuals, guilds, etc. of dishonourable behaviour, such as cheating or “ninja looting”, will lead to post/thread deletion and a suspension. While such warnings may sometimes be warranted, allowing targeting of others in such a fashion is open to abuse and thus not allowed. You may present your point of view while preserving the anonymity of those involved, and let the reader decide whether to contact you for details.

Careful naming players directly.

I’m on Malganis trade chat now too and this is actually happening. talking to 3 other people in whispers who have been warned while advertising on-server runs. Seems OP was right.

How do I know ur not trolling

Unfortunately I wasn’t trolling in here. I knew posting carry ads would be risky today but I really didn’t expect THIS lol

Multiple people from top 50 guilds have been silenced already this morning for advertising sales runs for their own guilds.

They literally said to me “they target anything they don’t want to see”. Meaning, selling stuff in trade chat. Seems like Blizzard has some work to do if this is again moving to trade and away from group finder.

Yah uh… I’m not going to protect “see deez nuts” by censoring his name LOL

Maybe can only advertise in say chat now haha

Dude, everybody and their uncle knows it will be a hostile environment in trade today, you even said it was risky, but went ahead and did it, what did you expect to happen? You don’t get to act surprised.


There is 0 ad spam in trade chat now. Literally nobody is posting because everyone is silenced now LOL just people trickling in every so often who don’t know about the near insta bans for posting your ad.

Maybe its time to spread the word around that there exists players in a main city that only talk in /say “PST for carry info” and the buyers can find it themselves. Maybe create a specific channel for your guild/group/individual to discuss all your boosting needs.

Nah I get that honestly, but I really didn’t anticipate this insane level of troll reporting. There were still like 50+ people posting when I was and now there’s 0. They’ve banned every advertiser on the server at this point I think xD

Sounds perfect, now maybe little jonny can sell his level 35 green and tom can link his professions tab.

It’ll be great for the rest of 9.1! Until people realize how many people achieve KSM/20s/AOTC only because of boosts LOL and good luck getting into an AOTC only group midway through 9.2 since you couldn’t buy AOTC anymore.

In theory it’s great, but the sweeping community ban and (troll) bans of individual sellers is actually going to make the game less fun for most average players in 9.2

That’s on you for failing to do a basic common sense risk analysis. Bugs Bunny even said this “If I do this, I’m gonna get a whipping” You don’t go into a Vegan convention eating Brisket and expect they are gonna be happy with you.