Mass reporting carries in chat

So warned not to do something then did it anyway?


A week of being silenced says otherwise, bring it to the CS forums. I’m sure a blue will chime in…


I’m going to report any boosting spam that I see. It’s about time we get our game back


Same here.


You get squelched, not banned.

And yes, they do take action against false reports.

This is false. Enough reports gets you auto-squelched until a GM looks at the reports and makes a decision as to whether you get banned or not.

Nope. That’s a chat silence, not an account suspension or ban. I know reading is hard.


Warned to not post a message that doesn’t violate ToS in chat? Posting it once every 5-10 mins? Hmmmm sounds more like the system is broken than anything else? :wink:

If they are spamming false reports, they will get punished.

My advice is, don’t worry about what happens to them. You won’t be notified either way.

You do realize that being “silenced” means you cannot use LFG or anything else correct? Effectively you can’t do anything outside of guild raids. The line between being banned and “silenced” is very thin. You might as well just log off for 7 days at that point

Just an FYI, a silence or squelch is technically an action, whether it is account wide or not. No reason to be nasty about it.


OP is talking about chat silences and bans. And guess what? Enough times does get you an account suspension or ban. I know comprehension is hard. :kissing_heart:

Blizzard does not take action on your ACCOUNT being banned by any automated process. Link me proof otherwise, because that’s my understanding. Unless it’s new… Which I doubt.

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Exactly the reason you should end up in the ban prison as well.

But ultimately it just highlights why automated reporting action systems aren’t great. More often then not they are just abused and end up requiring customer service to do extra work.


Post it here then?

Why? Because I use a report button? I should be banned for reporting spam or anything suspicious?


The “silence” is account wide and is effectively a ban. It is 100% automated and a GM can (will?) review if there are multiple instances of this happening and extend/undo the ban. However, for these scenarios it is just a major time sink for GMs and makes it slower for them to actually address real in game issues because people are troll reporting

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Are you selling a service yourself or just advertising a service on behalf of others?

Ironically I can’t post it because I made it as a macro and was banned. Macros aren’t saved if you don’t physically log out of the game yourself.

However, it was something like

“Exziled’s M+ Services looking to sell 15s untimed for 60k or timed for 80k as an INDIVIDUAL not part of a community. Just a 2600+ io and CE rsham looking for love in all the wrong places. INDIVIDUAL BOOST ARE NOT AGAINST TOS PLEASE GO READ THE BLUE POST.”

Nowhere did I say they did. Shall we recap?

And you said:

Chat squelching is an account action. It’s silencing your account from chat. And it’s automated.

The process goes as follows:

Chat reports > auto squelch > GM review > silence lifted or silence extended or account suspension/ban, depending on how many of these account actions you’ve had.


Selling it myself. I am a one man operation who just wants to make some gold for alts in 9.2 :slight_smile: no community affiliations here (RIP Accelerate 01/31/2022)

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