are gdkps against TOS? why is this happening
because people don’t like things. if their automated systems tag you then as long as you aren’t actually doing anything illicit, they’ll push a ban appeal through
I mean you didnt break ToS, but also i cant say im upset about the outcome lol
It doesn’t matter what’s against the TOS anymore, because the disciplinary systems in all versions of World of Warcraft are automated.
If you do something that enough people in the community decide they dislike, they will mass report you. You can always appeal if you think it’s in error ofc, but first you’ll have to wait for Blizzard to respond.
like wtf mate
No, but I’m sure spamming is.
im not rly spamming it. once every 10 min
Said every spammer ever.
u literally cannot spam lookingforgroup
imo they should be.
absolutely based group of mass reporters, imo.
Well, YOU can’t now, anyway.
why? im curious on your reasons
Here we go.
I knew this was bait.
they are many, but the largest reason being that gdkp perpetuates and encourages RMT.
do u really think no gdkps will stop rmt/bots?
yeah , i ate the bait. hook, line, and sinker.
Sometimes it’s fun.
i really think that no gdkps will greatly reduce the amount of rmt/bots.
edit: my server is a good example. Not nearly the same bot problem as other SoD servers, and I believe that to be in direct correlation to there being no GDKPs in LookingForGroup pretty much ever.
There is a sizable portion of the community that sees GDKP raiding as the main reason that botting and gold selling is so prevalent in every version of Classic WoW. They tend to come to the conclusion that all GDKPs are funded entirely by gold buyers. Most likely thanks to popular video series like Captain Grim’s.
So because they’ve given up on Blizzard being able to fix the botting issue in some other better way, they’ve turned their anger and disgust over botting onto GDKPs.
That’s why you got mass reported. Because the anger over botting has turned into mass disgust towards GDKPs throughout the Classic Community.
that is because GDKP is the main reason for the rampant RMT and botting.