Mass Multiboxers: What now?

Do you think they will quit WoW all together?

Shutter 39 of their 40 accounts and just play their main?

Or keep trying to find loopholes to keyclone, until they get banned?

I think it’s option 3.


Use VM’s to get around the ban


I also assume its option 3. Just like I assume the people in Goldshire on my server are still trying to find loopholes for certain mods.

retro tech.

MB existed before WoW
MB existed before ISBOXER and the like.


I don’t care as long as they don’t continue to exist.


I don’t think Blizzard is that stupid. I think they can easily tell you are keycloning just based on the data sent to WoW servers. Doesn’t matter if you are using ISBOXER, a VM, or a macro keyboard/mouse, if multiple accounts are casting spells at the same exact time, they will know.

They will probably continue doing what they are doing right now.

There will be no change to multiboxing. The change will have no real effect except for a few amateurs.

Here is a website and people are asking how to MB on EQs “true box” servers.

These servers only allow 1 character at a time on the server. You can do 2 real boxes but not alt-tab or ISBOXER

People will always figure out a way to do what they want to do.

well, there’s one blizzard…and 10,000 multiboxers.

I’m sure they’ll be back. Obviously there must have been some considerable money involved

Good, I hope they do know and can tell how it’s being done. That way nothing will happen :slight_smile:

As long as you aren’t using the input software you’re fine :man_shrugging:

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I think Multiboxers cost more subs than they are worth. People quit WoW because of them.


People quit wow because of the policy change too, people quit wow for all sorts of reasons :man_shrugging:


Option 3 seems to be the general opinion here. But don’t bother talking about it, they are deeply in denial.

Ya, you are misinterpreting this because you are a rabid Multiboxer with a skewed perspective.

An in-game macro is pretty limited, so that takes VM’s and Macro keyboards out of the equation.

You losers can do all the workarounds you want. Blizzard will still see the result, your multiple accounts casting spells at the same time.


No need to be insulting

I think you guys are the ones misunderstanding the ingame macro meaning :pensive:

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No change? yet the so called amateurs are the reason why its a problem now. So your post is basically contradicting yourself. Any normal player will notice this policy.

They should go play Everquest, multiboxing is a way of life and even botting is widespread and unofficially accepted.

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If people quit WoW because of multiboxers they might as well quit any and all MMO’s, they are in every game I’ve ever played

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Going to need some source on this.