Mass layoffs at Activision Blizzard on the way

Youre in here ‘debating’ as if you know what youre talking about when you HAVENT read the facts yet?


Ok. So do you have a citation to back up your statement? Considering those “facts” have nothing to do with anything I stated.

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yeah…ok…I’ll dig it up again.
And then you get to admit youre arguing crap you know nothing about.
THIS is how debates are lost, friend.
learn FACTS, THEN debate.



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…I am genuinely confused.

I never was “aruging” about the payscale. It had nothing to do with anything I said.

Read comments, then debate?

They’ve got nothing but call of duty outside blizzard titles. Layoffs will probably be huge and don’t think they can change. They’re too focused on cheap quick ways to make money. Now blizzard IP are going to be utterly infected by the end of the year


4E was a great system designed to make every class play well, it just had math problems at the start? It was designed to make the game better by chopping off the nightmarish legacy of 3.5E

Activision is the holding company, just because this comes up doesnt mean Blizzard loses jobs.


take your own advice.


Still working on that citation? I am genuinely interested.


no, restructuring and layoffs generally occur because some people in upper management weren’t doing their jobs

This actually is great news for the shareholders because generally companies come back a lot stronger after they ‘trim’ the fat.


I’m assuming Blizzard was already hit with the firing of their help center workers in Ireland recently.

I could be wrong, I mean who really knows with these things.

that was not the main problem.
The biggest problem and the most complaints around the web is that it felt like a table top version of a video game. Every ability, spell, etc was a combat move for the most part. They entirely removed the role playing from the game.
it was fantastic for miniature battles and had it been marketed for that type of gaming it would have done very well, Id think.

I liked the mechanics of it. I didnt like having to buy like 9 rule books before figuring out where the ‘familiar’ spell was that should ahve been in the player handbook #1

It’s almost an annual thing for Blizzard to make fun of Alliance players at Blizzcon.


I don’t remember that. if it happened then I can understand your point.

trying to dig it up now. Its been weeks since I saw it.
Something to the effect of their devs working for such a low end pay rate that they only really stay at Blizzard because of their dedication to WoW itself.

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According to Indeed

Software Engineer average is 93k.
Senior Software Engineer average is 129k

According to
Which is 83k and 111k respectively.

This is well within the industry standard, if not better.


I wonder how many people want to see Blizzard burn.

We’ll see in the future, at least Hots, Starcraft and wow still get update so that makes me happy.

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I cnt post links…but heres this quote

edit…that aint it…sorry

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I think you’re talking about the incentives programs being cut from Blizzard. there was a Youtube video of a former Blizz dev talking about the pay rates for Blizzard employees being sub-average, but people were speculating he was a bit tipsy.