Mass layoffs at Activision Blizzard on the way

Lets hope they don’t cut and run with BFA like they did with WoD. BFA can be salvaged with many simple changes.


But its not THAT simple. They aren’t just going to say “lets cut 2% of all departments”. The article literally states they are working on centralization. That means combining spread out offices into not so spread out offices. There will be a variety of departments that mainly deal with maintenance of a building that will now be considered redundant.

Janitors, maintenance men, IT departments, training staff, receptionists, etc. For all we know, that is all they are cutting. Due to the fact they are making their operations more centralized.


What do you all want? Will your lives be better if Blizzard closes its doors? Does the GCD or Azerite gear piss you off that bad? Do yourselves a huge favor and find something that doesn’t cause so much frustration and hatred, you’ll do your heart a solid.


It’s funny how companies who greed profit fall apart while companies make content for thier own fun succeed, who knew? Sometimes you learn from your mistakes and in this case, they didn’t.


Why even try? 8.2 is mostly finished, besides tuning and what not, I’d rather them focus on the next expansion. Seems they need more time to make a quality expansion.


I can respect that. I love you!

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Well here’s a thought for Actvision. Why not focuson good games instead of games as a service MTX filled stuff. Take BFA. Was released far to early. Feedback was ignored and the project seemed to be ill managed
. we still have the classes feeling bad. Pvp is a mess. Etc etc…but we did get 2 store mounts I won’t buy


I dont get this mentality. Wouldn’t that make even more people quit and never come back?


This is ATVI , they could axe all the devs and just say hire new ones cheaper. Cutting low paying jobs doesn’t impress Wall Street enough. Sure they throw low paying jobs in the mix but they usually had some bigger fish to send a message .


If all you care about is money, money is your passion. The gamers that used to make wow are now worried about their nest egg!


Ok. Well now that I see this is a “tin foil hat conspiracy” thread…I will just let yall have your fun.


Doesn’t seem to, besides, it’s what they are doing anyway.

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Maybe making fun of the paying customers who choose Alliance wasn’t a good idea after all…


Lol seen your post above.

Good point.
I have been designing my own pen and paper RPG systems for a few years now. We have much more fun with them than we ever did the games that clearly were designed to make a lot of money but really sucked at their core …cough cough D&D4E cough.

They learned their lesson too and the next D&D edition seems to have pleased most players compared to that joke 4e that really felt like it was just about buying book after book after boxed crap, etc.

when they took making the GAME BETTER, instead of just making $$$, they make a pretty sound system that players like a lot better.


Do you have any idea how much a blizzard dev makes compared to the market average?


It’s well below the industry standard

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Citation needed



and so if they are paying their devs less than they are worth, it stands to reason they are money grubbing sorts. So what other behavior might stem from that mindset?

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Citation needed