Mass Effect, Dragon Age, or Divinity Original Sin 2?

Which game/series should I start?

Just beat Witcher 3. It was a long journey and I’m a bit sad that it’s over.

I didn’t play pretty much any single player games until Covid started. Since then, I beat Witcher 3, Skyrim, MGS 4/PW/5, FF12 remaster, and Dragon Quest 11.

My favourite series of all time is Metal Gear Solid. I also love fantasy games. Which game should I play? Feel free to add any in addition to the ones I mentioned. I haven’t played hardly any of the best games from the last 12 years.

u liek rpg mechanix u play divinity
u like shoot you play shoot game
u like homosex you play dragon age
is simple

dragon age is a woke game?

You could argue that because of all the same sex stuff, but in all honesty it’s been like that since the beginning, so I guess it gets a pass.
To be frank I wouldn’t really recommend anything by modern Bioware. If you tell me what kinds of games you like the most I could give you some better suggestions.

my vote goes to divinity 2

ME is sci-fi
DA is fantasy.
They both do a good job showing your their universe. With interesting npc companions that accompany you in your journey.

I think if “woke” as in same sex attraction is a turn off to you none of the games you listed are going to work.

For me though, I prefer Divinity Original Sin 2 out of those. It feels more like old Bioware than current Bioware. Which is good since Larian is doing Baldur’s Gate 3.

I am honestly just tired of being bombarded with it. It’s about 5% or less of real life people, but 25% of media couples nowadays. I’d rather just avoid it. Especially in a game series that is supposed to be about the European medieval age… and called “Inquisition” (which was about Christian fundamentalists purging the world of heretics), lmao.

But yeah, I already decided on DoS 2.

My recommendation to anyone starting DoS2:

If you get stuck don’t be afraid to look up build guides. Fextralife has some good ones. Moreso than in other games bad builds will really corner you into a frustrating loop of constant dying.

Characters can have their builds redone entirely at a mirror in the game, you won’t have to restart.

(Once you get the hang of how the game works you can really start messing with it, though, which is fun.)

Play them all.

In Mass Effect it’s there but it’s not “in your face” and is completely avoidable. The only exception is a prominent npc in ME3, but you can just not ever talk to him and you won’t even really be aware of it. In DA, however, especially the later games, it’s excessive. There are party members that constantly hit on you and flirt with you no matter how many times you reject them. That’s not the worst thing about the game, though. The worst thing is their character that I guess is supposed to be representation for people with autism, but they’re written by someone who has clearly never been around someone with actual autism, and thinks autism is just lol xD so quirky and random nerd girl penguin of d00m xDDDDD. It’s cringe so bad it can actually cause physical pain and nausea. The DA series as a whole past Origin’s has some of the worst writers in the industry, to be honest.

The Answer to your Title is…


No it just gives you options. Dragon Age: Origins is one of the best fantasy games ever made. It’s so popular that 13 years after it was released, people are still creating mods for it daily.

If you do decide to play, I recommend starting with this one mod. A player went through and fixed all the bugs BioWare was too lazy to fix.

This mod keeps the game vanilla.

Dragon Age 2 gets a lot of hate but if you go into the game with the mindset of these two things:

1.) You are not a Gray Warden
2.) The story is about a city, not a continent

You’ll enjoy it a lot more. The story is pretty good.

A lot of people love Dragon Age Inquisition but I couldn’t get into it because the playstyle was so different from the first two. I think it’s a highly rated game though.

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What a gigachad.

You honestly consider this being bombarded with it, jesus christ you are a snowflake.

I just replayed Dragon Age Origins the other week and it still holds up to this day. I don’t think I’ll ever replay DA2 again. Last time I played it was when it released. It was a disappointment to say the least considering where we came from in DA:O.

DA:I was designed originally as an online only game, but was changed to single player. So as a consequence it has a lot of MMO style quests, big zones, and you can’t even progress on the campaign until you complete x a mount of world quests.

I tried divinity 1 and uninstalled after about 10min. That game just did not gel with me.