So I am sure I am going to be made fun of for not being sure about how Mass Disintegrate works exactly. As I understand it, it applies after using any empowered spell to become Mass Disintegrate. My question is, do I try to maintain the first channel of disintegrate into a continuous channel or will it only empower the first casting of it?
You can chain mass onto mass, but don’t chain mass onto regular. You will lose the damage.
Allow mass to fully channel before casting a regular disintegrate.
Fun fact. For no reason it doesn’t work on target dummies, so you can’t really practise your rotation. ;_;
Your fun fact is incorrect/outdated.
Holy macarone you are correct! It’s been fixed! Thank you Bliz!
It will only empower the singular charge of mass disintigrate you used. You can only chain it if you have another mass disintigrate charge available.
basically if you only have used one empowered spell before it, only the next disintegrate will be a mass disintegrate. if you do two empowered spells before your next disintegrate, your next two will be mass disintegrates.
Basically, you’ll want to have two locked in to go before casting mass disintegrate so that you can channel the first mass into the the second mass and get all those 100% faster ticks of fire breath while channeling them.
hope this helps!