Marval rivals and the future of pvp

blizzard its time to implement some of the stuff from marval rivals into arenas and also into solo shuffle! ty igs ggs man you do you and ill do me /shrug :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod:

Like what? That’s a hella different game. I’d rather see gameplay mechanics from chess.

all of it. incorporate everything about marval rivals into WoW pvp. itll be better than what we have now thats for gosh darn sure :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod:

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wish granted

wow now has a battlepass

wait, it actually does

outjerked again


:triumph: :triumph: :rage:
i believed u

Oh I see LOTS of chess in this game already. That’s one thing that’s great about it.

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Turn healing into a third person shooter, headshots=full health


do localized damage and healing so you need to shoot the parts that have been damaged

no more dying or getting healed for being shot in the toe

imagine the possibilities

So stealth classes just get a free headshot opener every single game?

We need skill shots in the game because right now almost no skill is needed to do well.


just like in the simulations

I think this is exactly WoW’s problem. Not responding to competition by capitalizing on its own strengths. Just think back to MoP, and how abundant the PvP scene was compared to most other expansions. BC and Wrath saw pretty decent participation as well, but MoP was a totally different animal, with pretty much every casual dipping in. WHY was that?

I think it’s because of a golden combination between ease of access but a feeling of progression and meaningful rewards, the fact there was only one version of the game client, people actually had to network as appropriate to an MMORPG, and they mostly consolidated into 3v3 and RBGs. The game was also more popular outside, with a plethora of YouTube content, ads, and mass media talking about the game.

IMO WoD killed WoW, esp. PvP, because its changes were too radically anti-MMO. The trend continues to today with no ending in sight, no indication that somebody is in-fact listening, relies on data and communicates. This is true for BOTH sides of the game client.

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We will never ever again live an expansion as great as Mists of Pandaria. Its a day dream.

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That is true, and that saddens me profoundly. I hold firmly that not only NO change that was made was either necessary, made in thought or with the game’s long-term benefit in mind
 But also that it’s just betrayal. Of the customer, but also of the game’s vision, and these mottos around the Orc statue at HQ as well. There may have been many great ways to get short term spikes in revenue, but how long does that last, exactly? It’s pretty obvious that keeping the game more engaging, and playing to its strengths, would be better for years to come. Alas
 Try telling that when there’s no direct communication like there used to be, not as large of an influencing fanbase remaining, and people who object to applying their mind to things, even at the level of asking why or what has happened.

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Ya, I feel like this happens often and, more often than not, is player driven. Players are NOTORIOUSLY bad about thinking they know what they want without considering the ramifications or long-term impacts.

Not only how long does it last, but what are the negative outcomes? We’re seeing this with solo shuffle and arena inflation right now. Maybe a short term bump, but overall far more harmful effects and it’s hard to put the genie back in the bottle.


I like solo queue options, but the more you remove the community aspect from MMOs, the more toxic they become.

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That’s very true, and a chicken-and-egg situation even at the micro levels e.g. “X spec is OP”. Lizz’s answer - "Ok, it’s useless now :+1: "

Very true as well. We are now at the whim of “are people playing for rewards, if their FoTM specs feel good enough?” If the answer is no, then the queue times are longer than any other competitive game, and you need to climb over the same people for any MMR gains (which is normal at the top of the ladder, but not elsewhere, if participation isn’t so low

I am worried about participation and incentivization next season. Still, I will play casually if I enjoy it.

To clarify for others reading, I am referring to changes that happened from WoD onwards. The Garrisons is a pretty glaring starting point for that case and point.

100% agreed, again, another :chicken: and :egg: with low participation as such.
When I muse about MoP PvP
 I admit that Solo Q HAD to be added eventually, because the guilds, networks and creator communities had died overtime (again
 starting in WoD. I see a trend here! lol)
Also yes. But what is more toxic overall between just cliques and an impersonal NPC rotation is up for empirical debate. I do think, however, that the easy data like player numbers, queue times and LFG emptiness ‘speak the loudest’.

I just miss how packed it was back in the day, with friends playing every day, active guilds recruiting and competing, people dueling for hours, theorycrafting together, etc. Perhaps the novelty having worn off is also a factor here, and people flock to the genres that offer instant gratification and advertise themselves better. A cycle of popularity, which also has to do with the strength of advertising, etc. And, just giving people the best reasons to stick around long-term.

Just for clarification, before MoP the pvp playerbase was split in 13 battlegroups, many of which were pretty active.

Once MoP hit, pvp participation was initially so bad that they had to merge all 13 in just 1 battlegroup, which probably gave the impression that participation was at an all time high, when it really wasn’t.

Fair enough, but that’s the approach they should have taken ever since IMO. With every alternative (and ultimately ephemeral) version of the game released, it splinters further. It’s short-term avoidance, rather than trying to fix or revert the issues that have driven players away to begin with. It’s about the game feeling like a secondary world that is lived in
 And that goes away when the incentives to communicate, network, and engage with other players are taken away. All we have now is queue times.

Marvel rivals graohics are horrible. Looks like anime and gives makes me nauseous. Im sure the gameplay is good but there are tons of us who simply hate anime

Is this wod guy in the room with us right now?