Marshal pathing in Van's room

I watched as Marshals ran around the room confused because their targets were jumping on and off the ledges in the room. That is how they are doing it in 7 minutes, they are cheating just like all the one-pull dungeons exploits that gold farmers use.

People PAY for a game that they cheat at, only in America…

This is true but it’s equally the Alliance’s fault for wanting 5min games because “muh honor per hour” and rarely ever putting up a defense.

Funny note, when a defense is put up it’s nearly a 100% win rate for the Alliance in 10min.


I dont know alliance bugs are fixed ASAP… Whereas horde ones are bearly if ever fixed. This one has been in the game forever. The back door climb took them a long time to fixed. Meanwhile how long did the pally bubble pulling WM’s last?

I personally love these 6min games. I don’t have as much time as I used to so its helpful to capping honor in 3 days. =)

Not true. Alliance have a distinct map advantage in multiple ways. Not only can you cap a gy faster, you can also run all the way to relief hut avoiding every npc on the horde camp. Your faction chooses not to use this map advantage by roaming in mid. Dismounting early. Not killing LTs quickly, and having 20 at a time sit on the hill in front of Drek. So before you whine about cheating, please do your research. When the horde do zug your games the honor we get is less than you by about 400 which evens out with our hand-in. But I hope they equalize all of the imbalances so you know why alliance struggle even more in modern AV :wink:

Ps. Homework: Go count how many npcs you pass in DB just to get to the gy. And then look at their HP. Then come revisit this thread.

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OMFG… not this argument again.

PS, buddy… alliance win 80% of the games when they actually care.

LMAO… 400 honor, dude… drugs are bad for you. We’re averaging 4.7k per 6min games. I dont know where you are getting ur math. During the Scorch Earth meta the honor was 400 or less. That hasnt happen in Era since I’ve been back.

This has been a thing for A LONG time.

This was actually fixed at the exact same time as the back door for the horde. There was a list of changes. Although people just stopped pally pulling when the “break premade” fix was put in and most ally migrated to WSG. There were posts from people asking what the point of the fix was.

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I couldnt remember when it was fixed. heh

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it’s a global game actually.

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I’ve been yelled at more than once for defending. But queueing WSG and AB can’t get it to pop. Ah, pvp is not to be had right now. That’s why I love bloodbath AV games lol

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