Married Couple Looking For a Casual Guild - Feathermoon

Hey everyone,

My wife and I are looking for a guild on Feathermoon (Alliance). I used to play back in Vanilla through WoTLK but have recently returned. We are looking for a casual guild because this will be my Wife’s first time doing any form of “raiding” in a video game. We are both average and would prefer her to be dps (because its the easiest job) and I can do any role you would need.

We would prefer to raid on weekends but can make most nights work.

Hi Ilsandra!

If you’re looking for a mature community to join that does some late night raiding (to accommodate work/family life), we might just be a good choice for you! Take a look at our specific below. :slight_smile:

Guild/Raid Group Name: Legends of Poker
We are a tight knit group of players, most of us have been playing together for the last few years, some even longer. We are a niche guild that runs a raid group consisting of member across many different servers. There are no requirements to realm transfer, you can raid from the comfort of your own realm/guild!

Server: US-Staghelm (Central Time)
Faction: Alliance
Raid Times: 11:30pm - 1:30am Server Time (CT) on Tuesday, Thursday and Monday.
Atmosphere: Mature

Information about us:

We are a mature progression and fun oriented raiding guild. We have been playing together for years and look to continue to do so for years to come! Our raid environment is consistently stable and enjoyable for all members which is critical to our primary goal. We perform the research necessary to clear content and we expect all raid members to be prepared not only with the knowledge of the fights but with consumables (including flasks, potions and food buffs). Being prepared does not preclude having fun though, this isn’t your second job, this is your opportunity to have fun with a mature group doing what we all enjoy!


Our primary objective has always been to reach and defeat the last boss of current heroic content prior to the release of a new tier of content (obtaining the Ahead of the Curve (AotC) achievement). Our secondary goal will be to transition into mythic raiding once we have obtained AotC.

Guild Activity:

We do our best to accomplish our goals on a 2 hours/night (6 hours weekly) raid schedule. This allows a lot of us who have families/intense work schedules to still participate in raiding activities.

Raid Times (all raid times are 11:30pm - 1:30am Server Time (CT)):

  • Tuesday
  • Thursday
  • Monday

Class/Role Recruitment Priority:

Range DPS:

  • Druid: Low
  • Hunter: High
  • Mage: Medium
  • Priest: High
  • Shaman: Medium
  • Warlock: Low

Melee DPS:

  • Death Knight: High
  • Demon Hunter: Medium
  • Druid: Low
  • Monk: Medium
  • Paladin: Medium
  • Rogue: Medium
  • Shaman: Medium
  • Warrior: Medium


  • Discipline Priest: Medium
  • Druid: Low
  • Monk: Low
  • Paladin: Medium
  • Holy Priest: Low
  • Shaman: Low


  • Death Knight: Low
  • Demon Hunter: Low
  • Druid: Low
  • Paladin: Low
  • Warrior: Low

We aim to be flexible! Often we have tanks/dps/healers utilize their off-specs if group composition necessitates it or if the fight becomes easier as a result of certain classes doing it. Off specs must be geared enough for current content if they are to be utilized. Because our goal is the AotC achievement for all raid members, we are open to accepting applications from other servers and have no requirements on transferring. We would prefer to accept a minimum of 355 ilvl. Exceptional applications for any class/role will be considered. At this time our priority will be to recruit dps (as indicated above by the relative need next to each class/role). We’re already fairly stacked on healers and tanks.

Guild Perks:

  • Guild Repairs
  • Friendly Environment
  • Very Experienced Raid Leader
  • Experienced Raid Members

If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to contact us in-game
(information provided below) and I will be happy to assist!



Contact Information:
Ruthê - Recruitment Admin (Allorah#1838)
Bitterman - Raid Leader (Contact in-game)

Hello there, if a server xfer is a possibility, check us out. We are a heroic casual guild on Stormrage

Welcome to Everybody Lives, where well….Everybody Lives! We are a Heroic Alliance guild on Stormrage that aims to achieve AoTC every raid tier and have fun doing it. We raid on Friday and Saturday nights from 8PM till 11PM EST. We are 8/8N and 7/8H and are currently recruiting for core spots. Casual and social players are encouraged to join for all content that WoW offers.

Classes/Roles We Need:

Tanks: Full

Healers: Resto shaman, holy pally, mw monk

Ranged DPS: Mage, warlock, boomy, ele sham, shadow priest

Melee DPS: Full

If you are a dps with tank or heal os and your class is not listed, still contact us as rules are made to be broken >_>

Guild Rules:

–All Guild Members should be age 18+

–With the 18+ comes darker humor, therefore, applicants should not be easily offended: Our only boundaries are no racism/prejudice-ism and no political talk

–Be respectful of your fellow guildmates

–No drama allowed! We all have too much drama in our real lives, let’s not bring it in game.

Raid-Ready Requirements:

–Be at least 355+ for Heroic progression

–We will strive to provide flasks, gems, enchants and repairs for all raiders

–Have proper enchants and gems

–Have proper addons installed

–Be prepared to have a few good laughs but still get down to business for boss pulls


Ryouice: Bnet: Ryouice#11303, Discord Ryouice#2786

Sailenia: Sailenia#1415

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If you would be open to a server transfer add my battletag BJensen28#1130 would love to talk to you about joining us

Unfortunately, we are not on Feathermoon, but! If you’d consider a server transfer, or even just a trial with us then…

Guildy As Charged (Alliance, Ravencrest) may just be the guild for you! We are a casual guild, based primarily on enjoyment. We’re comprised mainly of friends, both from online and real life, and tend to get into a lot of shenanigans outside of raiding. We’re 8/8 normal and 5/8 heroic, but we are working slowly to push through more of heroic. We raid Fridays at 5pm CST and Saturdays 2pm CST.

We are still a new guild, and somewhat small, which makes us a great place to join and build with us. We mainly run through discord so joining us there would be a must if you wanted to join. We are mainly interested in DPS, but if you prefer healing, we could likely get you into that too!

Hope to hear from you soon! You can message me on Bnet at Reyene#1683, or my co-GM ArtyWolf#1209

Hello! I am not sure if you would be interested in changing servers or not but if so, my guild Evolved might be a good fit for you! We are an 18+ community and most of our members have families, jobs, etc so we understand the importance of real life coming first. Because of this, we do not require 100% raid attendance. We run 3 raid groups, so plenty of room for you! Everyone is super friendly, mature, and a ton of fun to be around.

We raid Tues/Fri/Sat from 9-11 pm EST with an optional hour on Fri/Saturday. Evolved is an Alliance guild on the Proudmoore server. We have numerous other couples who love to raid together in our guild :slight_smile:

You can read more at:

You can contact me at BNet Starlight200#1548 or Discord Star#0700 if you have more questions!

I wish you luck in the guild hunt! Finding the right group makes a huge difference! :smiley:

Hey Ilsandra, our guild runs a casual heroic raid night on Wed from 10-1est (7-10pst) and we’d love to have you both if you’re interested.

Catalyst of Sargeras is unique in that we raid while still maintaining an atmosphere that is both friendly and fun. We’re all adults here with real lives outside of WoW and when we log in, we’re here to unwind and have a good time with friends while still killing some pixel monsters. This doesn’t mean we don’t take raiding seriously though. Our main raid team meets Tues and Thurs from 9-12cst (10-1est, 7-10pst) and is currently 8/8H, 2/8M.

Many members of the guild have been playing together for years both in WoW and other games. Want to raid but not sure mythic is your thing? On Wed nights we run an optional weekly heroic raid. Looking to pvp? We have several members who would love to RBG with you on Sunday nights! Mythic + fan? We do those too. Being a part of Catalyst is being a part of a community.


Our biggest needs at this time are Healer who would also DPS as needed and Ranged DPS, however we’re always looking for exceptional players. Also willing to consider small groups.

Member Expectations

  • Raid Attendance, We expect raid members to be there regularly. If something comes up let us know you aren’t coming.
  • Team-player, Ability to follow direction. Willingness to assist guild members.
  • Active player, dedication to the guild and game. Staying up to date with current info.
  • Skill, Remain focused on objectives without getting tunnel vision. Don’t stand in bad.
  • Desire to be the best. We are looking for members who will actively try to improve in their class and role (Min/Max). Be willing to learn.
  • Preparation. We want members who will be prepared by optimizing gear choice and rotations, being fully repaired, bringing any consumables to aid in the raids success, as well as doing thorough research on each raid encounter.


Discord: VU48cpQ

Battletags: Rawrabear#1450, Deresdod#1533, Zarathuztra#1786, Rystet#1989

Thank you all for the replies! I will contact via messages.