Marksmanship Hunter?

Generally speaking, yeah. It is more about how you are going to use Marksmanship overall. There is always a ‘single target’ ‘multitarget’ focused builds and that would determine the overall idea. But even with that stated, Lone Wolf still works for any situations without the pet and benefit using AOE focused talent builds.

So, to wrap that back around, yeah, the pet itself is just for convenience in case of situations that Marksmanship Hunter alone isn’t able to do enough by itself and requires a pet to help distract, namely tackle elites.

It is approx 500% more dps than a BM hunter when you take lone wolf as MM.

I’m not sure where you’re getting 500% from, but I did a QuickSim for a Dungeon Slice it’s about 12% higher for Marksman over Beast Mastery.

Different trinkets were used. Makes a HUGE difference. Eye of skovald OP.

Yet BM with Eye of Skovold is less damage than MM w/out the Eye. -375 dps it’s not a huge difference when using the same trinkets for BM as I use for MM (less than 0.5% change for BM just changing the trinkets).


Edit: I agree that trinkets can make a huge difference, just not in this specific case. I had already tuned BM for best gear in M+ and was surprised that the Whelp Shell and Eye of Skovold were better picks over the Puzzle Box and Horn of Valor. Maybe that’s due to how Beast Cleave works for BM, but I really have no clue.

I’m just gonna copy/paste what I wrote in another comment thread as it has relevance here.

BM Hunter is a cheeseball spec that doesn’t take a drop of rotational skill to run, MM Hunter is where the true skill of a Hunter player shines outwardly. Yet Blizz keeps nerfing us with longer and longer cooldowns on buff skills like Trueshot and outright removing other buff skills that increase our sustainability for continuous damage.

On top of that, BM simply should not be the only Hunter class to have exotic tamables either. At least let us be able to have exotics in some way (to be specific: I DO NOT MEAN THAT WE SHOULD BE SPECING INTO IT, but either have it as a permanent class trait or a learnable skill through a short and simple questline), but still only have one pet out at a time. I’m not willing to respec to a spec as basic as BM just so I can show off my fancy spirit pets.

And boy let me tell you, BM is unfathomably basic, judging by the fact that their damage comes from letting their pets attack while the player just sits back doing nothing but healing their pet and telling them to attack the target.

There is no reason a Ret Paladin’s most powerful cooldown abilities (Final Reckoning, Avenging Wrath, Divine Toll, Avenging Shield) should have a one minute cooldown and our only good buffing cooldown (Trueshot) has a 3 minute cooldown.

Blizz, you obviously want Pallies to have those one minute cooldowns, a MM Hunter’s only real buffing cooldown that we have left should have no more than a one minute cooldown for balance. I’m tired of relying on procs that rarely come to me.

The same should go for all of the specs that they nerf. I look upon in dread whenever patch notes or PTR notes come out, because there’s always either another nerf to a spec that I use regularly, or they buff up a cheeseball spec like BM Hunter or a troll class like Demon Hunters (who deserve nothing more than to be nerfed into Oblivion, fed to feral demons and excreted out like the scat that they and the trolls that play them truly deserve).

The ever encroaching nerfs of MM Hunters aren’t the only spec that I worry about. For example, Frost DKs have been getting kicked in the nuts since the Wrath days, now the only real useful DK spec is Blood (Unholy has been getting nerf hate for as long as I can remember, they deserve a bit of love too).

MM hunters play the spec because it was originally meant to be an advanced skill gameplay spec tuned specifically for those that know what they’re doing on their rotation, they keep nerfing us and then we have to keep retuning our tree spec and finding a new rotation that lets us burn everything and everyone down. That’s our biggest gripe is having to constantly retune our spec, rotations and gear to find what gives us back the damage numbers that the nerfs keep taking from us.

If Ret Pallies got a buttload of Hero Class grade buffs that turn them into the Holy Fire equivalent of the Shockadins that they used to be, then I feel that all of the other nutcheck nerfed specs (like MM Hunter, Frost DK, Enhancement Shaman, etc., name your favorite blue ball nerfed spec) should get some heavy handed buffs to go with it.

Sorry this rant was long, but I’m tired of getting nerfed on excellent specs that I really enjoyed back in the day and still do.

You CAN do a non-pet MM hunter, but it’s gonna be more painful than it has to be. The work a pet puts in is worth the 10% less damage, as it will do all your tanking.

Plus you’re still going to do crazy damage anyway.