Marksman hunters

This is pre-patch, lvl 50 data and 1-shots are irrelevant. Level 60 SL data with covenants and soulbinds is the only data that is relevant.


Clearly. as i said in the post at the bottom that i said OPINION

Hows this. If we get nerfed then ALL rogues can get a huge nerf to your stuns! All the times we hunters are stunned to death!

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Its just prepatch tuning. Get used to it. They are too incompetent to ever release a flushed out prepatch my guy. Sad truth. They could take 20 mins to hotfix the dmg temporarily so ppl can enjoy the game for a few weeks till SL comes out but they dont. They just make a bunch of excuses because they know that we wont unsub lmao.

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that is true, but the subject of this thread is MM hunters

A few weeks until SL comes out? Boy you are sure hopefully.
BGs atm are what some players find the only thing worth doing in the game atm. Where is the fun when you can’t even get out of the spawn point?


yep thats exactly my point. MMs will camp spawn and kill you before you can even get in range

its fine just coordinate an offense on the attacking marksman (if you dare) and watch how fast they retreat to reposition for another assault

But so will a rogue. Sap-stun-blown up to death while not being able to do a thing

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why are you getting defensive? we all know rogues are also OP and need a nerf. so do a lot of classes.

When everyone is Superman, no one is Superman!!


Then what is the point of this thread if we all know rogues and a lot of other classes need nerfs?

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Twink Battlegrounds! The most balanced there is.
Crazy but correct.

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Last week’s brawl I had a couple 30+. I think I got over 40 once not 100% sure tho. I was still 1/3 down on damage tho.

Are you not aware that you have multiple forms of CC?
Burst shot, scatter shot, binding shot, ice trap. You have concussive shot to keep them at range. You have camo to escape/reset. You have flare for preventing vanish as well as Hunters Mark for seeing them in stealth anyway. You have turtle, you have a wall, you have feign, you have a heal.

If you’re struggling with rogues as much as you seem to imply then you’re just a bad hunter.


I call that one “Polk High”. 100 yards or none.

Listen, let us hunters enjoy reliving our glory days of MoP status in this time of PvP seasons not existing.


normally I’d say “it’s prepatch” but honestly they’re nerfing classes in the prepatch right now… so yeah nerf mm hunters, sub rogues, and ret pallies.

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Where was all this crying when you were getting blown up by Chaos bolt and Gpie all BFA. Hunter been D tier for 2 xpacs leave us alone.


You would be surprised alot of people defended gpyro XD