Marksman Hunter

Went through quite a few changes over the years. Before we try to push that snowball down the hill again, might i suggest we delete the name Marksman first.

Rename the spec to “Ranger” then we can thematically build talents and abilities around this new spec. As a “Ranger” you can still keep a few of the “good” odds and ends from Marksman, but for the most part you can easily fit in new talents and abilities that would make more sense and fit the fantasy and theme much better. Hell, you could even have a sub set of talents on the right of the tree that focuses on shadow and voila, “Dark Ranger”.

rips shirt off and twists arm around for self back pats

That is all.


If it was good enough for Outlaw, I believe it would be good enough for MM. Not to mention that OL became a VERY distinguishable success. It certainly ran laps around the fledgling post-Leg SV Hunter.

This should have been done back in Legion. I don’t know what kind of a future Season of Discovery is expected to have, but Classic Legion may be a dull experience compared to what might have been.

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Legion mm was great it’s bfa onwards mm that sucks

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So, your plan is to obliterate what is left of MM, including the name, and then:
Form a NEW spec, The Ranger spec… with abilities and talents that “fit the fantasy and theme much better.”
What fantasy and theme are you using as a model?

Legion MM was clunky (unless gutting the majority of what unique gameplay it put on offer) and antithetical.

BfA+ MM isn’t much better, but at least makes some decent sense, isn’t antithetical, and isn’t quite such a bloated monstrosity.

A modern MM un-janked and polished would be far better than any throwback to even a polished Legion MM. That said, there is room for certain of the better Legion MM mechanics in DF MM, since…

  • we actually have the means for granular customization, given our new trees, and
  • we are for now stuck with glut of banal talents and minimal breadth of gameplay-affecting choice currently available through said spec tree.

Disagree personally :man_shrugging:

Bring Cata MM back ezpz


Cata MM is coming back. I checked it and it should be in by June?

Marksman is a ghost that needs to be put to rest. It somehow fails to meet the barest potential the name of the spec implies.

If our hunters have the option to be Marksmen.

Where is the ability to target any other body part than center mass?

Where is the inherent sneakiness of a sniper hiding in tall grass waiting for objective to appear?

Where is our “BOOM HEADSHOT!” moment?

Marksman should either be Sniper or as is more WoW lore friendly, Ranger for Alliance and Farstrider for Horde.

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Most Farstriders were/remained with the Alliance, though?

And both the Horde and Alliance have rangers, even if the term was more common among the Northern Arathi/Lordaerani and Queldorei forces (and carried over to the Forsaken accordingly)?

I mean, sure, this would be possible, but… where are you imagining an Aimed Shot crit goes or why it crits?

The flavor would be nice, but… what are you looking to do those things, mechanically?

And what would a hand-shot be, apart from a PvP-esque disarm or the like? A knee-shot, outside of what Concussive Shot already does?

Is it really better to have, say, Called Shot: Foot, Called Shot: Hand, Called Shot: Leg, Called Shot: Head, over just… discretely named utility actions and extra crit bonuses?

Not meant as a refutation, just… those are some things worth thinking about if/before claiming that the existing scheme is so lacking in theme by comparison.