All of the covenant abilities we had got removed in the end too. Flayed Shot, which is that old-school Black Arrow and my personal favorite, didn’t make it. It still seems like it to me that Shadowlands was the last best expansion for Hunter.
Well, losing explosive chakram as a bit disappointing yes
If they ever have a poll to bring back a Hunter ability my vote is Blink Strike from MoP, pets teleporting to the target within 30yd was QoL
For those that are confused, MM hunters no longer have a pet, only an imaginary owl. Yes, MM hunters do use pets, all the time, just not in group content. But in delves, questing, etc, having a tank is worth the minor dps lose.
Its like you said people aren’t reading and its bad. complaining about something that is in the game all they have to do is read wow what a strange concept to actually read the talent tree.
While we are at it why don’t we remove stealth from rogues and druids.
Personally I love this version of MM.
Same. It feels amazing.
I know that it’s my take on the situation, but I am sympathetic to folks who simply missed the talent in the tree.
I’m a teacher. Specifically, a special education teacher. I see, firsthand, at work how overwhelming my students with information can cause their brains to shut down and they miss the simplest thing.
I’m not saying the people posting here are slow or thick. Not at all! But I do understand them feeling shocked, frustrated, and overwhelmed by all the changes. So, I give them the benefit of doubt.
A lot of ppl probably don’t remember that MM hunters dismissed their pets in instanced content in Vanilla. You didn’t need it to do dmg and it just aggro’d trash. It was only used to kite General Drakkisath and pretend to hold aggro on world mobs.
Ummm, what? I always used my pet in instances in Vanilla. I turned off Growl. Back then, certain pet families had abilities that helped out. Wolves, for example, gave an attack buff to the entire party via their Furious Howl.
I was always asked to dismiss my pet.
Imagine how much forum drama would cease to exist if people could be literate…
What is this, the 90s?
There are players who actually owes made an apology for the same comment you have made.
Out of curiosity, which pet you used? Which family?
I was really into cats.
MM Hunters have not used a pet in any high end group content in forever. And unfortunately, that is the metric they use to judge abilities for nerfing or buffing. Yes, it does mean they wont care if you want to RP with the pet. Or if its in the Lore. Or if it’s been in the game for 20 years.
I did use my pet all the time in og vanilla as a MM hunter heck the reason I went MM was for pvp for the MS effect on aim shot. Wish they would bring that back
I hated the fact that blizzard was going to remove our pets but then I actually read and saw the change where you get your pet with a talent choice.
Personally there was no need to make this a talent it is a waste that could have been done without making it a talent. Simple way to do this is to just make it so if we have our pet out we do not get Improved Spotters Mark. And if our pet is dismissed we get it. We keep the hawk and what it does like we do if we have our pet out.
All of this could have been done by passive and hey it would have also kept some hunters from looking like fools. But hey its a reason to call out some MM hunters I guess.
It is just this simple no need to waste talent points on it.