Marks stealth nerf

Dark ranger lost the talent increasing rapid fire and aimed shot by 20% in the anniversary patch.

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Just play sentinel bro

That’s specifically not what this is referring to. If you look at it in terms of last patch, it is the -20% lost from that talent, and then (probably)the 55/45/35% pvp modifiers on top of that. Aimed, rapid, and arcane are doing DF s4 damage. The damage is more closely aligning with pve tooltip values, except without pve crit modifiers.

no. i was playing rogue until september. and now im playing dark ranger mm because i want to play dr mm. i like shadow theme. i dont want play with night elf theme

it happend to enhance shaman also man. they removed %60 windfury buff without saying anything


First of all, DR was much better than Sentinel in PVP, especially arena. Second, sentinel also lost 3sec of Trueshot due to the MM tree changes, and also there have been stealth changes to the PVP multipliers for hunter abilities, so playing both DR and Sentinel feels bad atm

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Aye man I ain’t gonna complain ab mm being dookie

The correct pvp modifiers are still not being applied to aimed, arcane, and rapidfire. The modifiers are significant enough that the spells are actually doing about the same amount of damage as DF season 4. There is no difference between pve and pvp targets, and there should be a 155/145/135% difference on non-crits.

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