Marks hunter PvP

Enough time has passed now since the latest pvp tuning for this to now be evident. You really have to give marks something other than withering fire as its burst mechanic if it is going to be competitive without also randomly oneshotting people.

The latest damage buffs really didn’t help that much, and I don’t think that it’s a good idea to continue just giving it +base damage. There will be a threshold where either the base modifiers in sentinel, or the amount of damage you can do with withering fire takes the spec from really bad to super overpowered.

Marks has a conundrum with its hero trees overall, because sentinel doesn’t really have a desirable output profile and withering fire is basically all that the DR tree does for it. The function of being able to cast killshot above 80% doesn’t really matter as much for marks, because it’s KS damage is dependent on razer frags, where BM passively gets the benefit of it’s KC modifier (hunter’s prey) simply by having it’s rotational pets out. Hounds get an extra chance to proc for BM, and they also get the benefit of BM mastery + pet damage talents. Black arrow passively cleaves for BM. Bleak arrows is 20% for BM where it’s 8% for marks.

Where i’m going with this… basically everything about the DR tree benefits BM immensely while doing almost nothing for marks. The one thing that is super impactful for marks is so huge that the rest of the spec has to be too unthreatening outside of trueshot in order for it to exist.

I think the best thing to do is replace the withering fire mechanic for marks, and put more of its modifiers back in the hero tree such that it’s possible to tune it at a base level without all of the sudden making the other hero tree overpowered, since they’ll both have modifiers. Without the withering fire mechanic, marks can be appropriately tuned such that black arrow, aimed shot, and rapidfire are independently threatening on their own without risking oneshots in trueshot.

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