Mark of Cenarius (The Four Dukes) - Frustrating farm

Blizzard, I’m desperately farming the tactical quests to try to get this quest, but the RNG is something else. You see, you have to be lucky to summon 1/4 of the Templars, and then there’s the chance of getting 1/5 from the card you receive. It’s really hard like this; I’ve been farming so much that I can’t take it anymore. Anyone with bad luck just gets frustrated with this. It’s too much RNG to try to get a BiS ring/trinket.

First solution: Being able to choose the quest.
2nd Solution: Being able to share quests, like it was in the Emerald Dream Quests a few patches ago…

Please, Blizzard, it’s already bad enough farming so many Silithids to complete 15x Combat Idols, plus a fortune to make 20x Logistics Idols and 20x Idols for Tactics, and still relying 9/20 chance to get the quest from the envelopes.

Main Quest:

There’s signets you can use to summon specific templars to reduce RNG. Tacticals are for sure the easiest badge to acquire.

Yes, but even so, I can’t reduce the RNG to get the Dukes quest. I’ve already done over 30 quests, and it still hasn’t dropped.