i am here behind a house that not upstair, even though i watched 2 10min video in youtube, marez cowl not spawn. how long wait? if i have to wait this quest, i don’t begin the quest.
Sometimes she can get stuck in weird places (I think she paths a bit.) Did you try targeting her with a /tar Marez
She does also have a fairly long respawn as I remember, but 10 minutes should be long enough to wait.
A problem since August 22, I have targeted her but she is no where in sight nor can I send my pet after her
Can you find her by putting a target icon on her? If she’s stuck in a wall or something, she may still be killable if you can get into melee range of her. (Being in melee can help with mobs that are stuck and evading.)
When I put an icon on her she appears to be inside the keep wall, cant get in melee range. So just bugged
EDIT: if you party with someone and swap layers it may solve it. worked for me.
Toggling War Mode is another option to phase swap if you can’t find someone in a different shard.