I’m not surprised by that slight rollback of tank brann nerfs, but I am surprised by the survivability buff to his other roles.
For one, having healer brann die occasionally brought his utility inline with the other brann roles. I thought that was a good change.
But this is also the type of thing that should really be obvious in testing. As opposed to tank brann, whose value depends greatly on the class healing him, and it’s difficult to predict what impact this will have on millions of players’ choices whether to use him. But simply identifying that healer brann dies regularly now, but virtually never died before? That’s quite obvious.
Frankly I thought the dying healer brann brought some balance between him and DPS brann. I realize that’s probably my own bias, as I really want DPS brann to be a thing.
Me too, man. Me too. As a rogue, I’d love nothing more than Brann and I to Sap and CC some gobs and rip them apart systematically, but as is, he’s a bull in a china shop!
They do this so they can get their REAL numbers while making it look like they are walking some things back.
Blizz CM: “Oh we are nerfed X by 100% next week, but we will have a hotfix to revert it to 50% after further testing.”
They really wanted it to be 50%, but then people would still complain about a nerf, so this tempers people that we actually “did” something. Classic Blizz. 10/10
I’ve also thought that might be the case they Nerf the crap out of him to see people complain only to bring it back up to where they really kind of wanted to go and that way they can show oh look see we’ve listened to you as the customer we value your opinion you are number one priority, marketing spew, marketing spew marketing spew.
Oh yeah, I wasn’t even thinking about my rogue really. More for my healer. But yeah what you’re saying would be great. He’s just so far from that, it’s not even funny.
Honestly this game has gotten further and further from the type of precision that used to allow (for example) CC to break on any damage.
Ran an 11 Earthcrawler Mines this morning as a 617 Healer with a 39 Tank Brann.
21 minutes. Branns biggest hit was the cart on the last boss only doing about 40% damage. I even let the Web Bolt cast go off to see the effects…there wasnt any.
The only reason i used a non passive healing on Brann was to boost my Harmony so i could increase my own damage.
But its funny how you claim people make things up even though you saw the video posted of an under geared resto druid running an 11 with no issue and also mere minutes after saying:
You have no experience with it yet tell people their experiences are wrong lol cant make this stuff up
Bit of an off-topic question, but are bountiful delves the only sort of delve that awards Brann EXP and Delver’s Journal exp? I didn’t do much Delves back in Season 1 but I want to do them regularly now that Season 2 has started, and I’m wondering how I should go about it.
I cant speak for S2, but in S1 after level 30 the only way to do it was bountifuls.
I suspect it may be the same in S2. After X level it will be required. What that level is, i dont know. I dont imagine I’ll be doing delves much longer.
“Solo challenge”. Had to be 45 ilvls and 40 Brann levels low + Brann nerfs to not snooze through them.
Is still seems like a hard nerf. Because this is just a slight increase to his hard nerf…not as how he was originally. If that makes sense. Trying it out on my rogue will be the true test but so far I don’t think it looks good. I’ll come back and edit my post after I try it out.
Try it out. It seems to have made a huge difference.
I was gearing up my holy priest to try and tackle a T11. I tried Dread Pit today at ilvl 621 and while I took it slowly, it was a breeze. No deaths, no real dicey situations. I admit I really abused the damage from blowing up the skardyn, so it probably went quicker than most delves. But the difference is very noticable from before this hotfix.