Manuscript of Endless Possibilities is not unlocked account-wide

Logged in to find I did not in fact have the toy. Still have the buff from the spell, but no spell and no toy, so no way to turn it back on if I accidently turn it off somehow. And no access on alts.

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Confirmed that I donā€™t have the toy learned after having logged in on the character that learned the manuscript. Retroactive credit is not being properly granted. Iā€™m not going to buy it again and waste the currency I already spent.


I can also confirm that no toy was added, but the buff is there.

I do have the toy on a toon that didnā€™t do the races/purchase the manuscript. Havenā€™t logged on the toon that bought it since reset.

Classic hotfix inconsistency, lol.

Logged in on the character that got the manuscript, toy is there. Set to favorite, logged onto another toon that isnā€™t 70 yet and hasnā€™t even done any races, and the toy is there. So looks like itā€™s working as intended for me.

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Pretty strange that itā€™s fine for some and not for others. Wonder if it has something to do with the fact I was online within 15 seconds of realms being enabled for login this morning.

My guess is that players who had the buff activated before the reset arenā€™t receiving the toy properly.

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Iā€™ve only activated the buff once, right after I bought it, and I clicked it off after a few minutes of testing since it became clear that Full Transformations werenā€™t included in the randomization. So that probably isnā€™t it.

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I was one that did happen to get the toy today.

Checked on a character that I didnā€™t purchase the manuscript on, and the toy was still available. The vendor no longer offers the manuscript nor the toy as an option to any of my characters as well. So Iā€™m not sure what to make of it as itā€™s working for some but not for all.

The toy itself is an hour buff on an hour CD, that does not persist through death.

I bought the manuscript on the weekend.
As of today after the weekly reset, I no longer have the random ability. I also do not have the toy, it shows as unlearned in the toy collection.

I can also see the toy for purchase from the vendor!
Will the players who purchased the manuscript be getting refunded, or do we just need to go on an alt and grind out 40 tokens before Outland Cup finishes? This would be good to know before the cup is over!


Iā€™ll also add. Some players (not me) bought the script on several toons. The appropriate fix would be to simply refund the Badges to each character who learnt the ability (or has the manuscript unlearned) so that those who bought on multiple toons are fully refunded.

Hello, itā€™s me again!

Thank you for the reports on Vial of Endless Draconic Scales not being added to your toyboxes after the realm restarts. Weā€™re working on a fix to address this issue and weā€™ll be sure to let you know when the fix is live.


Heya, great addition to make this account wide but I disagree with giving the toy a 1 hour cooldown/aura does not persist through death. The manuscript was just a free toggle buff, no CD, no duration. It feels bad losing the aura at lets say 45 minute duration because you snapped agro on a world boss, got killed, and have to wait to enjoy the randomization.


Iā€™m in the same boat. The spell was removed from Dragonflying and I have no buff, no toy, and no refund on currency spent, but I can purchase the toy once I get another 40 coins. Not a fan of the hour cooldown. The idea was to make it hands off on alts so I donā€™t have to sit down and customize each one, not add micromanagement.


Thanks for the update!

Please make the aura indefinite and persistent through death like it was before. Iā€™m not going to remember to click this toy every hour while Iā€™m playing so it was a waste of 40 badges for me as it is now.


So question, what if you purchased the manuscript, did not get the toy automatically added to your toybox due to the glitch, then purchased the toy before this blue post happened? Are we going to be refunded the 40 Riders of Azeroth Badges?

I guess you could just do things on an alt to purchase any missed rewards, but having to do the extra step due to two back-to-back bugs isnā€™t fun :frowning:


I got this item on a character and it was immediately put onto my bar but after changing around my UI between classes it disappeared from my action bar and I cannot find it anywhere to re-activate it. I have checked spell book, bag, and toy box. Where can I find it to replace on my bar?

For those wondering (like I was), the toy is called ā€œVial of Endless Draconic Scalesā€. Agree about the 1 hr CD + not persisting through death being a real letdown.