Mannoroth Bones

Twice now I’ve been unable to loot Garrosh after killing him in the raid. Anyone else have this experience. I opened a ticket with blizz and all they did was send me a link to a wowhead article from 2013.

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Oh the GM bots are such kidders. :smile:

Is this Mythic? if so you have to loot him in Stormwind I believe. There is a thing to transport. That is the only oddity I can think of.

Can’t say I have.

You’re looting on fresh lockouts, right? And you are at the appropriate level? For Heroic+ you need to be level 70 to loot.

Nope. Loot him in the raid on all difficulties.

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Not on mythic on mythic you go to P4 which takes you there to kill him…or think its stormwind i really never noticed what area it actually is

It is Stormwind, inside the raid, I guess I totally misunderstood

that :point_up:

It was still early and no coffee.

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Every time in the past I was able to loot him after we killed him in the raid. Twice though there was nothing to loot. I could click on his body but there was nothing. :frowning:

Do you by any chance have auto loot turned off? And checked your mail?

If you don’t loot a boss then it’ll get mailed to you. If nothing drops then you were already loot locked.

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How would you kill Gary if you’ve already killed him on that difficulty?

You are doing this on Normal, Heroic or Mythic, right? Not LFR?

SOO uses the modern lockout system. You can join as many groups as you want and kill him as many times as you want, but you’ll only get loot the first time per difficulty.

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Yes. Heroic. Also, nothing was mailed to me. I’ve checked. :frowning:

Ah, I thought you got locked out once you killed a particular boss. Thanks for explaining that.

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SOO was the first “modern” raid. It uses the modern per-boss lockout system with flex. TOT and earlier use the old lockout system.

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Looking back, I’m thinking I was still raid locked. Ugh. That’s my bad.

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Oh. Had no idea this was a thing. I knew about the separate lockouts, but didn’t know you could join another group even if you are locked and just not get loot.

That is a nice feature.

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Yes, that was added to the game with SOO. SOO also introduced flex mode. With the WOD prepatch, flex was changed to normal, normal to heroic, and heroic to mythic. Which is what we have now. All raids after SOO use the same system. SOO uses the exact same lockout/loot system as Dragonflight raids. SOO will also flex 10-30 on every mode except mythic. Unfortunately they did not give this treatment to the earlier Pandaria raids, so up to TOT they use the old system where you get locked to a specific ID.

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