Mannoroth Alliance Reconnections

Monksacre, that is a name I haven’t seen in ages

Name: Zexis
Human - Warlock
Guilds: Revenants, Aftermath, Iconoclast

Looking for: Leshok, Darkblade, Necrocide, Wizards,

Currently on Thalnos-PvP (Alliance, Full Clear)

Yooooooooooooooo. Phoenixfire checking in here. This is legendary!!! Can’t believe I found this. You know I was rocking that group 1 meattank heals carrying! haha you have no idea how many times i googled for old vids trying to find stuff like this. Thank you Gilderon.

Keira, NE druid
Vallium, gnome warlock
Keirab, NE hunter

Guilds: Swords and Staves, QQ, Shoryuken

Looking for peeps from back in the day. Taliant, Mirax, Ambushed, Vladmir, Woshimushi, etc.

Hi Keira!

Wow, I can’t believe anyone remembers QQ… that was my one and only attempt to run something. I did run into some remnants of STNY a few years later, was neat to see!

Mirax came back playing horde. Did you ever find him?

Name: Rosarac
Race/Class: Night Elf Rogue (male)
Guild affiliations: Swords and Staves, Legacy of Khan, Sunny Disposition (cannot remember too well about the guilds, but I was in these for a period of time)

My character was actually an extra in the old warcraft movie “epic flight form” made by myndflame - the rogue who was making the video was Tivas (night elf male with the helm of assassination I remember)

Hey I am looking for a Human Paladin that went by the name of Jace. it looks like he might have been the guild leader of ShieldsUpWeaponsOnline. But that was way after I quit playing. We used to be in very early guild named The Divine Wind.

Asakur - human priest

Hey I am looking for a Human Paladin named Jace. It looks like you might have been in a guild with him at some point in Freelance.

Asakur, Human Priest

Haha why did i always think Rone was the guild leader of High Latency? :stuck_out_tongue: Were you one of the RL friends ?

So much Nostalgia.

-Kaice (Later)

Merlon is my brother but he doesn’t play much these days.

Red Equals Dead
Emolitists (later on)
Probably a few others, but pugged a lot in TBC w/ mixed groups of people from many of the aforementioend guilds (S&S, SK Gaming, Impulse, vodka, Macabre, etc)

Anyone remember Gpk ninjaing Ashes? XD

Looking for Sunshiny, Mkicon, Vidius, Kidiuz, Emilyam, Itsbznztime, Keev, Sevelyn, and anyone else in from SPQR / Red Equals Dead


Hey there! By chance my friend saw this, and it is I, Emilyam (now Solionna). How ya been?!?!

Lol good times, that AOIC cross-guild-alliance was something else

The first dwarf priest to 60, are you still gaming? - Onslaughts Dwarf warrior Feedz#1388

Do you have Darknor’s realid by chance?

Togare, Human Paladin
Free Beer and Chicken, Swords and Staves, Poison

Hey man its Taktikz the gnome Rogue in Macabre. Bunch of us from alliance Manno are playing on Faerlina together, our GM is Nixi. Our guild name is actually Mannoroth.

Human Paladin: Hearthledger

Real name Rick, some people know me as Bacon or Nub.

Looking for a particular person who threw a Zul’Aman Skull at me and asked me to keep it – I still have it on retail…

Ohhh here’s a name I remember
Glumli Warrior we tanked together =)

Dwarf priest

Io and macabre

Whats up man