Leshok - NE Priest
Revenants / Aftermath / Brotherhood of Nine
Now playing classic on Kirtonos, Horde in Ropetown
Also looking for my pals: Vozz, Keis, Darkblade, Kingb, Silent, Rainmaker, Vanion, Detta, Delerius, Expediter, Shae, Zexis & Aprina
Leshok - NE Priest
Revenants / Aftermath / Brotherhood of Nine
Now playing classic on Kirtonos, Horde in Ropetown
Also looking for my pals: Vozz, Keis, Darkblade, Kingb, Silent, Rainmaker, Vanion, Detta, Delerius, Expediter, Shae, Zexis & Aprina
I remember you! This post excites me so much.
Bigdorf - Dwarf Priest - The Dark Squirrels
Kailthis - Human Warrior - The Dark Squirrels
Rixi! Enchanting Priest always stealing my raid loots!
Bigdorf - Dwarf Priest - The Dark Squirrels
Kailthis - Human Warrior - The Dark Squirrels
STUPES! Omg my fav paladin from TDS!
Ok, so this one time we were clearing MC, and Akahito is rehearsing the Garr fight. Hito confirms everyone is ready, and counts down the charge in.
–Stupes whispers you, “Watch this.”
Akahito starts to run in, then BAM smacked by a snowball and falls over. ooooh boy he was pissed, and i was DYING laughing.
Another time, I remember you were tired of the pre-boss lecture on an easy fight, and i see a stick of dynamite lob over the raid group and aggro the boss. Made raiding so much less painful. <3
Bigdorf - Dwarf Priest - The Dark Squirrels
Kailthis - Human Warrior - The Dark Squirrels
oh lol well okay
Yep. You were in IO with us in Nat’s guild, but GK was there…also Borla, Balk, etc.
Can’t believe I mentioned some of the O.G.'s and you answered the call. Very cool to see the little gnome rogue from the past. Since none of us got in touch outside of here, I think we’re spread out on tons of servers.
I rolled on Pagle bc I couldn’t get on any of the PvP servers at launch and now that I’m 3 days played in I’m likely here for a while.
Kromus is around, but has kids and stuff so idk if he plays games anymore since he’s probably in a lab curing cancer or something. Haven’t seen Zwee in a million years and he probably still hates us for playing the Yujinn drinking game during TBC.
Mirax <Swords and Staves> reporting in.
Ignore the name, I'm using a different account now. Roger#11504.
Hey-o its Mirax, GM of the original <Swords and Staves>. I was a NE Priest. We hosted a guild alliance for raiding with <Occasionally Merciful> (Desiderius GM, Eihbeir officer), <Ancient Sun> (Themagicone officer, always protecting his guild from my foul language in game and over vent LOL), <Free Beer and Chicken>, <High Latency> (Maedhras GM), and a french guild (Worix was GM, frost mage).
We were friends with my guilds, loved the ones that made videos, so we made our guild name a tribute to the famous <Forbidden Donut> and their awesome video series about <Illegal Danish>. Thrall's nightclub dance scene was absolutely amazing in terms of visual effects in editing and storytelling.
If anyone wants to know what my raids are like, look up "Mirax" on Urban Dictionary. I honestly don't even remember the raider who wrote that entry, but obviously he was in one of the guilds who raided with us alot, probably AQ/Naxx time.
Regardless, we cleared AQ40 (minus C'thun) and cleared Spider wing + Razuvious in Naxx before the expansion dropped, and we wanna do it again, but clear it all this time.
Here's the recruiting spam I use in game:
<Illicit Pastry> recruiting for end-game raids&PVP. As the GM, I lead raids 2004-2006 WoW, and, while older now, we want to clear MC/BWL/AQ/Naxx again; No DKP. Fairest loot system in existence. We were also a PVP force on our original server, Manno.
If anyone's looking for a guild/home that is focused on raiding but still has a strong PVP arm, look no further. We're doing guild runs as we level, and we're gonna crush it at 60, and have a blast doing it. We're 40+ strong so far, and building as we level. We'll get raiding either way, but we'd love to have OG manno in house instead of randos that I have to filter for scrubs.
One last thing, our loot system is the most fair system you will ever see. No DKP, no officer merit, its just based on your attendance (and preparedness) for raids. Happy to explain further in game.
<3 the peeps from FD
Why hello there.
<3 trees.
Sounds about right to my memory. Also needing to mention, the army of pets, and that disgusting oozling pet.
Nobody spoke us as interested in the FD facebook group, so I doubt the founding CS portion of FD is going to return. No clue at all what happened with Puff, although I recall hearing he got married sometime during TBC.
Feverusardor, human, pvp paladin
Why hello there stranger.
Looking for the best of the best:
I don’t know if anyone could handle the return of Mic-switch.
Boy, those certainly are names from the past.
It’s me, Bedivere!
Part time GM/Raid leader and your free +4 stats to chest enchanter who’s home was on the IF AH bridge. Looking to see how the old IF night crew is doing. Rain/Puff and the like from Brotherhood of the nine, forbidden donut, CWAL etc.
Most of the O.G. CWAL crew isn’t very interested in things at this point. Was rather amazed at the degree of apathy actually. But life happens.
I’m around though.
Natulcien - Night Elf Rogue
The Squirrel Mafia - The Dark Squirrels
Guess I should have found my way on here earlier but at the same time, that’s a hard no on Faerlina.
If anyone sees Cogfizzle tell him Hospes sends his love.
I’ll send him a link to this shortly now that I’ve noticed it. <3
Monksacre - Warrior
I’m pretty sure I remember you from the FD raid alliance back in the day.
Belladona! Hops here, a druid in Operation CWAL
<3 Hops
I’m hiding out over on Atiesh, yes a PvE server.
Maerc - Atiesh
Also I’ll throw this in for good fun. A video Maglor was putting together back during the FO9 raids, but never completed.
Amberlass NE Rogue… been way to many years to remember the guild names, but I had a stint in IO and HL in TBC. Just trying to find some old friends, biggest name I remember was a NE Druid named Alegacy
Was Age of the Ironcross the guild that Cronusmac formed? It was part of the SGA (Small Guild Alliance), correct? I was Dii, one of the offtanks then I went DPS after I got a lionheart helm. I was clueless hahaha. Pikiyuri was Cronus’s wife, knacklewocket was the main tank, and I can’t really remember anyone else’s names…
Rykoli, NE Priest
What guild that name seems really familiar
Lemme know some server recommendations that’s got some og manno players are on, currently playing horde on bigglesworth but only 14 levels in so willing to restart if necessary
Damn wish i found this earlier but also why go horde i cant be the best dwarf priest (saycin) if i cant be a dwarf
Yo Wrathz, this is Mirax, former GM (technically current I guess, I still have it) of Swords and Staves. A ton of us from our guild and guild raiding alliance from OG manno alliance are on Herod Horde in a guild we called Illicit Pastry, an homage to Forbidden Donut’s Illegal Danish videos.
HOLY CRAP SAYCIN! OMG wtb your return. I have a class leader slot with your name on it. Damn you were a good priest. Better than I ever was. Then again, I always used the “I was also raid leading” excuse regarding my own competent, but not exceptional priest healing, lol.
What are you up to currently in game?
got ya I just made a UD mage on there called Neurotik
Looking for people of:
Innocuous Octopus
Free Beer and Chicken
I was:
Blis - Druid
Fry - Dwarf Hunter