[Mankrik] H - <Full Blown Raids> Recruitment for 25-man!

Good day!

<Full Blown Raids> is actively recruiting for our 25-man raid team. We are on a progression to Hard Modes, meaning we will do a few each week until we can complete the entire raid in Hard Mode.

Sunday / Monday 8-11 ST starting next week.

Led by Bovovovo (Forged in Fire [Vanilla] to Reforged [Classic]), he has led Server first teams and brings back many of his S-Tier friends to lead the guild.

Our team started off as a 10-man for fun, killed every boss on normal, and quickly realized we wanted to move to a larger raid format and bring in new friends.

Actively recruiting:

  • Paladins [All]
  • Warlocks [All]
  • Warrior
  • Enhancement Shaman
  • Balance/Resto Druid

PST in game to anyone in the guild.