Mana-Tombs: Yor Stasis Chamber not spawning in Heroic

I have been farming Mana-Tombs over the last few weeks but the stasis chamber for Yor doesn’t appear on Heroic difficulty. I completed the questline to get ‘The Eye of Haramad’ to unlock the chamber but it just doesn’t show up at all.


Bumping this. I’ve been trying the last few days and haven’t been able to summon Yor.

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Turns out Yor is spawning on NORMAL. He drops nothing because he’s in the wrong instance difficulty but this is the core of the issue. Just need to retag his spawn under Heroic.

I’ve confirmed Offworld’s comment about Yor spawning ONLY in normal and NOT heroic.

I have today (2025-01-24) submitted a ticket to Blizzard Support describing the issue.

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I can also confirm that Yor was only spawning in normal Manatombs for me. There was no giant pink sphere to unlock in heroic mode. In normal mode, I unlocked the sphere and killed Yor, but he only dropped a purple quality gem (no gear from his loot table).

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Can confirm. This is still an issue.