I have been working on Echoes dungeon and finally got an 11 done but mana is suddenly becoming and issue.
I cleanse the poisons…is that wrong? Should I just soak them?
Thanks for any help you all con provide.
I have been working on Echoes dungeon and finally got an 11 done but mana is suddenly becoming and issue.
I cleanse the poisons…is that wrong? Should I just soak them?
Thanks for any help you all con provide.
If you are running into mana issues then you are playing inefficiently.
No, you should be cleansing and using Sac to cleanse/prevent poisons.
Sorry Bro, would have Battle Rezzed you but I had no mana…wanted to heal you and had the holy power for WoG but it doesnt cast without mana, wanted to clense the DoT that was deleting your health bar, but I did that 8 times in the last 2 min so I’ve got no mana.
Mana on a tank is super awkward, Id recommend just having cooldowns for skills to cap the frequency of use to what is desired instead of requiring mana. Not gonna see any tanks thankful they have to stop to drink between large pulls.
Doesn’t cost mana.
If anyone needs to drink between pulls then they are doing something severely wrong.
Intercession costs 3 holy power AND 2% base mana for Protection paladin. Try reading a tool tip some time.
Redemption also costs mana, but only .8% of base mana.
Next time you want to correct someone, fact check your assumptions first.
2% is such a low number and considering prot mana regen capabilities it might as well cost no mana
If it’s all you need to do, and you haven’t done much else, that’s certainly true. If you try to carry some random folks making mistakes it could matter. My point was, the amount isn’t 0, as claimed, and it costs 3 holy power somehow per the tool tip.
Another mana thread.
It’s quite possible you are playing paladin wrong or doing to much
this is such a poor “gotcha” moment that it rings across as silly tho, like it costs resource sure but that doesnt really change the og statement that mana issues on prot is more self inflicted than anything
tho i do agree prot shouldnt have a mana cost for wog, i believe t he best solution is to get rid of prots offhealing capability since its the reason why it got a mana cost to begin with.
they alreayd did so with ret
I pulled it straight for a wowhead bud. I’m not sure when it changed, but I guess wowhead can’t be used for research anymore.
http s://imgur.com/a/zcnvH9N
Where’s my apology? Maybe listen to the 3200 Prot Pal main when they tell you something about their own class next time and you won’t embarrass yourself.
I’m sorry I was worng buddy. Ill confirm in game when I have time too. On my way to work nightshift.
I figured out the source of my confusion. On the PTR, as I would imagine is also for live, Retribution and Holy Paladin spend 50,000 mana to use Intercession while Protection Paladin spends 3 Holy Power and no mana on Intercession. I play mostly Retribution as an alt and this Hunter is my main now and haven’t really mained Protection Since Shadowlands. I don’t know how new it is that Protection has no mana cost for Intercession.
The people that tell you there is no mana issue are the ones who haven’t truly utilized the protection paladin to its fullest potential. I’ve been a pug tank for many years and prior to the double mana / Holy Power tax to WoG, we didn’t have a mana issue and I was able to help many bad pugs get through a dungeon, but these Mythic invitationals saw Paladin tanks lasting far too long in encounters, so they introduced the double tax and we can run out of mana. If you look, you have talents that encourage you to heal others and yes you have a cleanse, which you should use. When I’m on my healers, I hate healing those pally tanks that say there is no mana issue, because that means they aren’t using abilities like they should.
Typically, you will find that the pally tanks that run with their own geared groups are the ones who say it’s fine, but from a pug perspective, it really isn’t.
Long story short is we are weaker because of the double tax. Where other tanks build up resources as they get hit,Pally tanks exhaust their resources.
You’re 1.5k as a tank, sit down. You’re not in a position to tell me that I’m not utilizing the class. If you are going oom between pulls or from one boss encounter then you are using your resources inefficiently.
Same here.
I noticed i only really run into mana issues from healing a lot.
As a pug tank, I’ll join any party and work to help them get through things. Many times they aren’t efficient at doing things and for the past 5+ xpacs (prior to the mana tax on WoG in the last xpac), I could help a poor group make it through. For instance, I’ve spent over 2 hours trying to help 2 people make it through Motherlode because they were just that new and the other left. We made it, but it was because I had the pally utility and mana to do it. The reason I stuck with it was because I knew they were new and they did learn through the effort, but instead of just leaving and creating a terrible experience for them, it became an amazing struggle that we managed to conquer.
Many people would have noped out of there, but that WAS the amazing thing about a paladin tank.
Sadly, the implementation of so many tank busters has also diminished our ability to help out beyond tanking.
You are highlighting the exact reason for the change in adding a mana cost. Tanks shouldn’t be immortal or be able to solo end-game content with indefinite self-sustain.
We still have very strong self-sustain and the ability to spot heal, but with limitations on the duration. This was needed.
Diminished from indefinite amounts of off-healing, but still enough to be very helpful. WoG isn’t the only way we help out the group. We still have our Blessings, LoH, and Cleanse.
What you are doing is making an emotional argument.
Coming from a pug tank.