Mana issues

Unfortunately I don’t see any logs from last night.

My guild did kill him on Mythic though last night if you want to look at my own log:

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Such as?
Go try an evoker. I don’t think I’ve ever even drank on my evoker. Druid is better than hpriest probably, although not amazing either. Monk is fine as long as you are playing it correctly.

I mean sure, they can, if played correctly… Same as Holy Priests… If not then Monks will OOM waaaay easier than Holy Priests. At the moment of my post (pre 10.0.5) Disc definitely had more mana concerns…

Nothing against the OP if anything only respect because he was receptive to feedback and used it to improve himself. But I think it’s fair to say he was not exactly playing correctly which was leading to mana issues…

I’m not actively playing Druid or Evokers right now so not sure about them… I know Druid can typically run low if they spam too much, specially in Raids but not sure now in Dragonflight… And Evoker well I don’t play it but I raid with one and he does go low on mana sometimes in long fights… Holy Paladins will also go oom in long fights (in fact many use the Alchemy Trinket to reduce the innervate potion’s CD and have it available every other Wings).

But I think I was mostly thinking more in general across different seasons… Holy Priest mana management doesn’t feel like a particular outlier, it’s not infinite for sure I don’t think any healer has it that way right now… But not something we are gonna look back and say like “Wow remember how early Dragonflight Holy Priests had so many mana issues”…

No healer in raid is infinite mana. If you look at the log posted above every healer is about the same 15-25% mana after a 9 minute fight. You have to use every tool at your disposal including externals.

Oh, yeah. Flash heal is a mana burner big time. Cast your other spells as much as possible. Flash heal only in an emergency and to take advantage of Lightweaver. Even renew is more mana efficient.

If that is still not helping, maybe you want more mastery so that Echo of Light does more healing. That will also reduce your mana cost. That said, you want to be doing damage in M±-hence, less mastery is generally better in that scenario.

I think its more about play Pugs. I sometimes have pugs in M+ which are just,“joyfull”… at +8s running 50k Hps and the team still died coz god forbid we do mechanics and avoid stuff in this game. Bolstering nightmare.
That type of stuff will easily leave you Oom after each pull. Dps and tank awareness & cd management hugely affect healer mana management.
I once healed 10 NO with no mana break and then my priest was oom on that +8HoV this week. Your team is to blame SOMETIMES.

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Yeah, nobody doing mechanics definitely kills mana and reduces the damage you do. I’ve had my share of that in the last couple days.

Sometimes I want to get mad, even leave. It gets better the higher you progress though, that is for certain. Can you really blame people when they clearly have no idea?! Lol. Regardless, that does kill your mana and it’s really annoying, isnt it?!

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I did 6/8 heroic pug last night (LW + MW with some raid talents) and I thought I had infinite mana. Generally not having issues with mana in m+ either unless the tank chain pulls hard and I have to go hard as well. Even when the tank does chain pull Arcane Torrent + mana pot + Shadowfiend generally gives me the sustain I need.

In keys atm im having no mana issues at all as disc. My mind is turning to running some dps pots. Anyone got any thoughts on it?

I’m Holy and I pop shocking disclosure pots on cd if I’m pushing a +21 or higher.

Also, anyone else see me glowing like a red imp?

lol isnt that the proximity potion tho? more for melle?

It has a fairly decent range, they’re not target capped, and each zap can crit. It can be an extra 2-3 mil a dungeon.

Check my log here:

Are you running Jak’s build (playing disc in M+, that is)? It is great for mana. Just use solace and your pet as much as possible.

In my case I have only run the build on a relatively low geared priest but I did not have to stop to drink even once! Maybe it is different on higher keys, but I was amazed.

I’ve been trying to tell people here. :stuck_out_tongue:

Disc mana issues are almost gone in dungeon if you’re running void summoner + solace. You can still run out if you go a little crazy and spam Shadow Covenant or slam your radiance button more than you need to, but we generate an insane amount of mana back per dungeon now.

Also I second the recommendation of Shocking Disclosure if you’re looking for damage.

Bro you misread, i have no mana issues :stuck_out_tongue: so looking for a dps pot :slight_smile:

I will trial the shocking tonight

Thanks for that. in my pug world the lowest dps in your key is better the the best pug dps

one thing im loving is an aoe fear stun. Taking petrifying scream and sheer terror, i find im doing more aoe stuns then dps are