MAN what ever happened to openraid

I like that system.

People can be upvoted for doing a good job.

Both group leaders and or members are upvoted

you can leave comments on people either good or bad.


I haven’t heard of this one, is it recent? Or from a long time ago?

My guess is that people probably stopped using it because Warcraftlogs is much more objective and therefore more useful.

Long time ago. CIRCA before WOD.

I don’t know.

But I’m still not inviting you to my keys.

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ITS NOT like warcraftlogs.

Its specifically for pugging CRZ. It made heroic garrosh pugs a lot smoother.

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it is legit a lot of people were doing it before LFG pop out.

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the mod’s author had a meltdown on the forums after he was called out on the forums and then wow broke his mod.


Openraid was amazing! Blizz killed it by implementing what we have now. Sad


a few of the guilds on my realm used it back in the heydays of LK-Cata and i would frequently see it mentioned on my realm’s forum

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really? DO TELL.

It’s pretty much the premade finder we have in game, but with some weird upvote downvote system I never even touched.

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he had a meltdown because people started complaining about his mod being gated behind a paywall/tip jar.

Open raid was fun great for new raiders I did lots of flirting in there.

I had nearly max rep on there from leading my own achievement/SoO pugs.

Was a great time, i don’t understand how it died either.

Premade Finder killed it, that and oQueue but it is weird because OpenRaid let you schedule runs far in advance, I signed up for groups months in advance for achievement runs.

There is a replacement for OpenRaid though

I don’t know how popular it is however


Open raid could actually make wow great again I know you loved the non toxicity there anon.

It’s a neat idea, but it only flourished because of a lack of in-game tools. It wasn’t really used because of the rating systems, it was used as a generic group finder because it flat out didn’t exist in-game.

A similar tool will never gain mainstream popularity since we have convenient tools for the most basic functions it provided now.

Idk people loved open raid way more than communities now communities is a wasted tool by players actually way more loved than gf was when it was there. why people dont take advantage of communities is beyond me.

Going through several ownership changes didn’t help either.

Group Finder killed OpenRaid and oQueue.