Man this is why I wanted an RP server for the Seasonal Stuff

On RP realms you can report people for having non-RP names. At least you could on Bloodsail back in 2019.

I get that. Still think it’s silly. And you aren’t on an RP realm anymore, roll your eyes at their name and move on with your day. If you are really bothered put them on ignore.

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Welp, the option to report an inappropriate name is there. I use it when I feel it’s warranted.

Honestly though, I’m like 99.9999% sure that nobody at Blizzard even cares.

We’re focusing in names when people literally cant olay the game due to restrictions


Genuinely do not care about the bot gold farmer accounts. I’m far more annoyed at all the ridiculous names.

And if my reporting leads to someone having to change their name, then good. Blizzards fault for refusing to give an RP server this time around.

Blizzards obsession with mega servers is obnoxious when it comes to Classic.

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