Man, sounds like Alliance is losing the war on every server

Sure. But, I suppose my point is that I don’t think there’s really anything that indicates the issues with faction imbalance that a very small minority of people seem to be claiming are actual issues.

Blaumeux is a complete and total joke. BRM/Morgan’s Vigil/All Boats have been camped by raid groups for the past 48 hours. It’s absolutely incumbent on Blizzard to fix this, it will not ever self correct. You will just have a steady stream of Alliance quit until the server dies.

Fix this hideous act of corporate bed soiling NOW.

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Depends on server and capacity. I cant glean through all the outmoded " duuuah should go PvE…brawa PvP what u expect?" drivel.

Lets say you have 60 Red coins and 40 blue coins. Throw them on a white sheet that is the size of a kitchen floor. Tons of room.

Now put them all on a dinner plate

How more likely do the blue coins notice the red?

Player density is a huge variable in oerceived faction balance.

With older caps, ratios were a scapegost. Ive ssid it a zillion times. Higher caps, however, change that dramaticslly.

Your “point” is invalid. You keep trying to convince us that because only a small number of players have visited the forum and started threads there that there is no problem.

The opposite is true. Only a small number of participants in any website that has a forum ever participate in the forum. But discounting a few obvious trolls, the fact is that the opinions we read in the forum in all likelihood represent the opinions found in the playerbase at large.

Overall the Horde is deliriously happy with having gotten a huge honor freebie in phase 2, and thinks the Alliance should be happy to continue to play and keep their free welfare honor rolling in. I can see why you wouldn’t think that is a problem.

Alliance, on the other hand, is in the process of deciding not to play anymore.

Within a week or two I fully expect every Horde player who is currently gloating that their numerical advantage somehow represents an individual skill superiority to be starting whiny threads demanding that Blizzard fix the disappearance of players to kill.

You made your bed. Now lie in it.

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Yeah, that is probably quite a good point.

I suppose I’m trying to understand for myself whether there are actual issues, or if people are just whining and crying, as people do.

Someone made a suggestion to help me better see for myself:

So, I did

If I actually felt that there was an issue, and I cared to do something about it, I would. The trouble I am having is, that I can’t seem to find anything that indicates there is really anything that needs to be fixed.

Thanks for the insight. :slight_smile:

You think that creating one guild of non-gamers is going to somehow solve a faction imbalance issue?

Now I see where you’re coming from. You’re just here to misrepresent what other people are writing in order to justify your claim that there is no problem.

I’m glad you finally learned to copy and paste. You could also read why I think your claims are invalid. But it was more important for you to try to make it seem I didn’t give that long explanation of why I felt your outrageous claims were invalid.

But hey. Whatever makes you feel better about wrecking the game to get a little more honor before you, too start whiny threads complaining about lack of alliance to kill and demanding that blizzard fix it for you.

People rolled alliance for easy pve but what boggles the mind are the ones who rolled PvP realms but ran away from the fight. You are all pathetic. The ones who left are cowards and the ones who stayed are crybabies.


It’s a start. Things tend to start somewhere.

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Oh the irony.

What are you doing about it?


If you’ve read anything I’ve ever posted on the subject, and would care to reference if, then please do. I think you will find that I am seeking to better understand if there indeed is any problem, and if there is, what we, as the player-based community might be able to do to help resolve it.

Certainly, I can understand that some people’s personalities are better equipped for appealing to authority and/or asking others to solve issues for them, and I get it; that’s _your prerogative, you do you… However, I would personally like to have a better understanding of what issue may exist, and whether it actually does exist, so that I could work on being part of the change, however small that may be, as that is more inline with my personality.

Well to be fair I run from fifteen on one fights as well its good strategy. I do think since they are only releasing the pvp gear with re balanced stats that make it bis till naxx they should release bgs alongside it.

when a server is 15/85 you cant defend your leveling zones any large group will have raids following them to kill them

Except you can’t use the free transfers as Alliance anymore.

Well, stop misrepresenting what’s going on on the forums and in the game. It makes you sound like a blizzard employee sent here to claim what people say on the forums only counts if it agrees with the dominant paradigm.

I’m doing more than you are, since you are doing nothing that will have any effect even on your server. The non-gamers you have handpicked will be gone in a week, after then realize how far behind they are and there is no way they can catch up. Or they’ll quit before level 20, because they’re not here to prove something.

Players have no way to change the game in any way. Only Blizzard can change the game, and they don’t take criticism from the forums.

Re your claims that you won’t be posting demanding that Blizzard fix the shortage of alliance players…

I was here when warmode was announced, during implementation, and changes to the system.

I predict it will follow the same trajectory.

Phase 1 is now. We have members of the dominant faction mowing down minority faction members for rewards and starting threads about how good they are, and how there is no problem with the situation. In warmode horde was getting a bonus for toggling warmode, even though often there was no chance of pvp happening. So people only half-jokingly called it “hordemode”.

Phase 2 was when the crit hit the fan. I was not in warmode. Suddenly, even though Alliance was a minority on my crz server group, Alliance were everywhere, because Horde were toggling warmode to get those sweet rewards.

But wait! Without Alliance to kill, most Horde were unable to complete the weekly conquest quest. So phase 3 is when we saw lots of threads “Make Alliance queue up so we can complete our weekly kill quota, Blizz! Fix it now!”

And so we got a warmode bonus differential. And we got complaint threads that “You weren’t supposed to bribe them to play, make them play for nothing so I can gank them!” and “Wait, they’re forming parties and ganking me now, this is unfair, fix it blizzard!”

I’m so confused by everything. The server with the worse balance is actually Heartseeker. Worse than Pagle if that were even possible. Herod is basically the same as Whitemane and Faerlina is just slightly better. I’m using Ironforge pro using the most recent settings possible (last 2 weeks) because it tracks raiders and it’s raiders who would have the gear. What’s going on?

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What is it you claim I am misrepresenting?

Really? What exactly is that?

The only issue on Faerlina is the queue times, and lag.

What does this even mean?

So, what you are “doing” is basically trying to trash-talk my wanting to encourage a player-driven solution to form a community and rally more like-minded people. Or, am I misreading you?

When/where did I state anything that would suggest that I would cry to Blizzard? When everything I am saying is supporting player rallying together to form community-driven solutions?

I simply do not have the type of personality that would allow me to blame others for something when there is a possibility that I could help to be a part of a solution. And anyway, how is any of this leading us closer to any solution?

Is there an issue? Great! Can you help me identify it? Esp. such that we can focus on potential solutions that we could implement?

naw im not complaining horde is proving time and time again they cant pvp, their idea of pvp is running around in grps looking for single lowbie to gank and corpse camp, on the rare occasion some single horde near my lvl does grow a set and decide to attack me most of the time they lose, sometime they win but not often, this is ok its annoying fusterating but when the Bg’s are released the true pvpers will win the day and in pretty certain it wont be horde.

He does not understand faction imbalance.

only in pvp, paladins dominate in pve.

The fights weren’t 15 to 1 before when alliance ran away. Kromcrush was a nearly perfectly balanced realm until alliance ran away.

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