Have y’all seen some of the stuff people can say to you from the other faction? I had some rogue flaming me about my spec with gutterspeak in /yell. I was actually kind of shocked and impressed.
I suppose if you play around with the translator enough, you could definitely come up with some interesting stuff
Inquiring minds: What did he say exactly?
It was something like “LOL trash sub rogue good luck finding raids with hemo” I forget exactly; it happened yesterday. It was the clearest cross-faction flame I’ve ever seen though.
There’s an addon for it.
I thought there might be. That flame was too good.
UD rogues are always triggered by Perception
Isn’t breaking the language barrier reportable?
He was pissed because I wiped his group at Ring of Blood. lol
if you ganked him and he responded that back, its a compliment, nothing like beating someone and having saying, omg you are to so bad, trash etc, i mean what does it say about his own skills
Haha, that’s awesome. That’s one of those things where you can’t even be mad about it lol
I thought it was but I was way too impressed to report it.
What addon do people use for translating so clearly?
That was mean
The addon is called Hermes. Some letters don’t have a good conversion, so you basically end up with a thick accent depending on your race. It will use either the main faction language or your racial language, depending on which one will have the closest overall conversion.
I find Undead to have the easiest language to work with Horde side. The biggest issue to work with is the loss of the letter C, which for the most part, is replaceable with S or K.
I’m sorry but it is so freaking funny to blind an unsuspecting tank and watch the chaos and confusion as enraged Mogar starts 1 shotting people.
I can also sap the tank or healer right before the fight starts and then keep them sapped until DR while everybody else deals with the wrath of Mogar. Oh the hilarity.
yes some dreinay shaman spammed real quick ! that should end my life as i was gonna kill him
I ad to stop and report him so he got away.
They’ll probably ban him for that. People are dumb.
Yes, it is.
Pretty sure trash talk addons