Man I'm loving holy priest

I’ve been levelling an earthen priest as holy and man I love it, might be my favourite healer that I’ve played. I have an 80 paladin and 75 monk, but I think I just prefer being purely ranged as being in melee as a healer can be annoying. The heals feel nice to use, the visuals are nice, and I love how they do damage. I was a bit intimidated by the keybinds but I think I’m just going to power through and force myself to get used to what I need. This has nothing to do with how strong they are but just how they are playing while I’m levelling and man it feels great to me!


Well I’m glad one person is enjoying their holy priest. You do have to be in melee to do aoe damage though.

I liked my holy priest better in Dragonflight. I’m not going to switch, but I’m not loving it like I did last expac. My spells just aren’t hitting as hard as they used to. For example, HW: Serenity used to move the tank’s health bar a significant amount, and now the bar was barely moving last night. And since when did haste become the least helpful secondary stat? I’m at 7% haste atm and my GCD is so damned long I can practically take a nap between instant casts. I hope this all changes as I improve gear.

Having said that, I have healed on my holy priest since Cata, and I enjoy her enough that I don’t forsee switching anytime soon.

if you got through how bad hpriest was in cata you can do anything lol

Holy fire has a cleave effect.