Man’ari Death Knights

So with a group of Man’ari now being apart of the Alliance they can become officially playable. They share everything with the original draenei race. Which means they do the original death knight starting zone. So here is where the question comes….

How is it possible for The Lich King to raise a Man’ari into a death knight? The start zone takes place waaaaaay before the Legion expansion. So if a Man’ari was to die, wouldn’t their soul go to argus to eventually be reborn? Does this mean that death/domination magic is strong enough to prevent a demon from being reborn in the twisting nether? But yet death magic is still capable of allowing the Man’ari to retain his/her demonic red skin?


Also I find it intriguing that Elune’s night warrior gift can supersede the death knight blue eyes, but the power bestowed upon the eredar by the Dark Titan can’t supersede death and allow fel green eyes?

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The story team when asked to explain Man’arai DKs… or Priests… Or Paladins… Or Shamans…

The answer is there is not an answer. They did not consider the game play logistics of a DK and limit them accordingly. Logically a Man’arai should only be capable of being a warrior, a warlock, a rogue, and perhaps a mage if you are feeling real generous.


I know they brought Bolvar into it for the allied race DKs, but weren’t the Ebon Blade raising new DKs during Legion? Did they actually need a Lich King for that?

To be fair to Man’ari shamans, that depends on the relationship between the shaman and the elements. For example traditional elements are blessed by the elements with their powers, while dark shamans force the elements to obey them. So a Man’ari shaman could RP them as the elements recognizing their sincere desire to do good or them forcing the matter.

I’d give hunter instead of mage.


Same issue with LF, when they die they explode into Light.

That is more gameplay mechanics than anything else. Or I think it doesn’t happen every time.

Look, why can’t any of this simply be “magic”. If you want to headcanon it, some low level Man’ari during Legion was killed off by some random adventurer death knight, but because he was infused with too much death magic didn’t get transported to the nether only for Bolvar to rez him later. Boom, done.


That is a head scratcher…. trying to figure out how I make sense.

How would a Manari even end up near Bolvar or Arthas? They didn’t really have much interaction. They would have had to have gone out of their way to get a Manari, or a Manari would have had to sought them out.

I don’t really have a solid RP going for this guy. I just thought a Manari Blood DK would look cool. And it does.

One idea I bounce around in my head is that the Legion sent him to infiltrate the Death Knights, and now that the Legion is defeated, he decided to help Velen and what’s left of his people.

If he was sent by the Legion, it would help with the issue of Fel being over ridden by Death because it was part of Fel’s plan. And explain why a Manari would even be near enough to be raised.


The way it’s written it sounded like the PC, Deathlord, was just acting as a conduit for the Lich Kings power. However, some of the npc chatter suggests it’s the Deathlord that’s doing the raising, so while the two are not exclusive to each other it makes for a different story depending on what you paid attention to.

This is 300% why they did it. They knew it look cool, and had hopes it bring people back. They are likely to increasingly pull out the stops to try to get numbers back up.

See that waving hand over there? Just concentrate on the waving hand and blow through the startng phase.

Haven’t man’ari eredars been a regular enemy sent by the legion? Is not like they could not have been picked up before.

But the truth is, the original dK starting zone is locked in a period of time, there were no Man’ari there, every playable man’ari joined the alliance currently even if you’re using a draenei you made back in BC and just changed in the barbershop. In truth Man’ari dKs kinda dont make sense since there isnt really a case of undead demons since when they die they go to the twisting nether. Thats a headscratcher there. Maybe a regular draenei DK can still consume fel to the point of becoming demonic?

I believe it’s just gameplay dressing. I recall drawing blood from my mechanized hands. :drop_of_blood::dagger::robot:

I don’t know how it might happen other than maybe a brief moment after the Legion and the Scourge split, but the general concept of it is hilarious.

Imagine being an ancient alien sorcerer demon who has burned dozens of worlds at the behest of the closest thing to a god the universe has, a being so powerful that he was able to turn your entire race into demons based on a pinkie swear. You’ve survived thousands of battles, champions, and heroes, your soul has always bounced back. Civilizations at the peak of their power have fallen before you.

And then you die to a lucky ghoul on some backwater planet and your immortal soul is bound into undeath to serve goth Fabio forever. And then you get freed by what you would consider Great Value Lightwielders who worship the Light in a little castle made of rocks.

Utter, total agony.


I appreciate when people try to dig into how scenarios like this can actually happen, but the team didn’t care much* to make this customization sane.

*I’ll give them a few points for the unlock quest.

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Ah, so it’s kinda muddy. It’s been a long time since I did the DK stuff for Legion, so my memory was a little fuzzy.

Ignoring the events of Legion, is it weird for the Burning Legion to have DKs of their own? Given that the Lich King’s origins are all tangled up in Dreadlord nonsense, it doesn’t seem super far fetched. It does seem a bit extra to go to the effort of making a DK if you could just wait for the demon in question to regenerate, I suppose.

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Okay. So. Hear me out. Dk ritual to get more powers, cause dk love a good ritual, and he goes through the process, an a draenei, to see what happens. Boom. Ritual works, becomes a manari, unlocking the ability for death knights to create their own manari post death.

I see a lot of people mention Bolvar and stuff like that… but I don’t think we can use Lich King Bolvar to make sense of them because their start zone is the original death knight start zone from Wrath of the Lich King. So to me, it would make more sense justifying how Lich King Arthas would have done this.

After some more thought, I guess the only thing I could come up with is how Arthas helped summon the Legion with K.T. Later he wants to go against the Legion. So perhaps during his journey he came across a few demons and slew them…. Some of which may have been Man’ari.

So perhaps the power of frostmourne was enough to not let their souls return to Argus. Instead Frostmourne helped create Man’ari death knights. Maybe they are just incredibly rare and that’s why we don’t see many of them lol.

That’s just my way of rationalizing man’ari death knight. I’m currently playing one so I’m trying to justify why he is in the death knight starting zone helping Arthas during that time. I like immersing myself in the lore and having it make sense.

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So frustrating to do the warlock pet questline, seeing a Lightforged featured in a prominent role, then getting no reason whatsoever why his existence is possible. I would have accepted “they use the Light to torture and bind demons to do their will”, or something, but they didn’t even do that.

I love that class-race options are opening up, seriously, but I wish they’d take the opportunity to 1) expand the lore and 2) consider doing more glyphs for relevant visual overhauls. Man’ari customization makes the Mark of the Naaru fel green – things like that really add to immersion and I wish they did way more of it.