Malygos Alliance Reconnections

Yeah, haha. Celmo, Dwarf Warrior from Forgotten Fury and still on Malygos.

Hiya! I remember you, you taught me to priest once upon a time!

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Hard to believe how long ago that has been! I am looking forward to Classic to get back to my healing roots!

I played Avril, human rogue and Smeagul, gnome mage.

omg- i can’t remember the guild names i was in, but i remember Musashi was human warrior guild leader and his wife played night elf priestess. Was so fun raiding MC and AQ!

I also played Muffentop, night elf hunter in Warrior Princess for a while, that was a real fun group.

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Hey!! Yeah Ayzrael was the priest, Vlad/Musashi was the GM, it was Dark Order!
Long time no see! its Atif! lol

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Your name is vaguely familier, your not that Snarf were you?

Riot here. I’ve been looking at the forums hoping to see Decorum pop up. I remember the names Siden and Quickcut. Not for sure if Lims is going to play. Wonder if Skyphos is still out there.

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Legend from Legends of Azeroth…where yah at Fatale?

Sangheili Dwarf Warrior in Sword of Fate and then Dissidence
Going to most likely be playing horde on Whitemane.

If anyone wants to chat discord is Francation#5086

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Purfection - Human Mage
This was my first server, played with a few RL friends but I forget the guild we were in :man_shrugging:

Hey Griz, it’s Leilia. Been a long time. I have no one left on Malygos. Moved to Sentinels.

Hey Rudger, it’s been a minute! :wink: Are you planning on playing classic?

Hey Zoleg, I remember you! Thecaeser here. :slight_smile:

Yeah- Dark Order! Hey Atif! I thought your name was familiar when you posted earlier. Damn, it’s been a long time… I can’t wait for Classic.

HA! I can’t believe you remembered that! I still feel the lump in my throat. That GM is the MVP of my online world,had him back before raid.

I remember you Zoleg,Good to see you!

Same haha, what server you rolling on?

Hi! You may not remember me, but you may remember my dad Rockbite. I’m convincing him to play classic :).

Preminence / Naked Dancing Gnomes

Not sure where I’m playing yet but for sure Alliance on some server!


Pagle seems to he where a lot of Eagle’s Pride is going. Mankrik may ne Horde heavy, because Mankrik is a very pooular gorde NPC. So Pagle all the way! Spread the word! A lot of Malygos players are rolling on Pagle. That seems to be where the party will reconvene.

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Good to see you! How are you and Rockbite doing? I miss tanking with him and Raktor on Aerdrie, it was probably some of the most fun I had raiding.


Lando! omg whats up man? Had no idea you still playing. Yea still the best times for me too man. Zoleg I kinda remember something about that lol too funny