Hey Doc! I remember you back in the day in Ironhorse! Message me on Bnet Zombie#3063 if you wanna reconnect!
Hey Didoe! Its Stephine from Ironhorse! Shoot me a message if on Bnet if you want to reconnect! Zombie#3063
Belise, my favorite Alliance member.
<3 - Monkeyslayer
xuvia #1518
Good memory. Nice to see you’re still playing too.
Yes, I’m playing classic, but on Remulos (Oceanic PvE). Got 2 alliance and 2 horde toons.
At the end of WoD when they introduced Gnome Hunters and mechanical pets, it was my long-standing dream come true. So Blastinator became my main, and almost the only one of my 20+ toons I play these days.
I’m on Khaz’goroth for Alliance, and Dath’Remar for Horde. I inherited GM of a guild on each side. Bear on ally, and Overflow on Horde. They’re both what most would call inactive, but they’re still alive and kicking.
It’d be great to be able to catch-up again.
Wow !! The druid who wore the least amounts of visual armour possible. Either a baker or baker’s apprentice, if I remember right.
I used to play a ret. pally in the guild the merchants league.anyone out there?
lol what is it? Hebrwhamr#1691.
Torolimossey - Human Rogue
Eagles pride(lol) - Aeternus - Forlorn
Playing Horde on Kurinaxx
I was a founder in Decorum too, played a NE Warrior tank, Selana I think was the toons name.
Elunes Elite! i dont think Towlie ever recovered from the Awakened empire split.
i was Phaseshift, human rogue, changed to Zakka orc shaman
haha I was Vinopally one of the originals in the guild when you started it! was only 16? at the time! Glad to see a familiar name
Hey man I used to roll Vinopally in Fortis and group with you long long time ago! another rare Aussie haha
Bro, I was actually thinking of your character the other day, used to roll Vinopally. used to group with you a fair bit and chat… madness seeing so many familiar names… chenz#1281
Another name the rings a bell, I remember my first MC run with yous once I got in and getting Finkles lava dredger and law bringer pants as Vinopally haha
Also remember you Kath, you were with Mud if I remember correct the mage? amazing to see ya name add my battle tag #chenz1281
Apisto, magicstick, vashmimi, couple other dissidence members I was mates with, then rolled a gnome rogue Ganondorf. if anyone remembers me by any chance hit me up. I remember Antess batting in AV, how horrible light forge armour turned out to be and just how much fun we had. Gnome rogue in Fortis killing the booty bay guards to get exalted with the pirates for a mask etc…
Add my tag chenz#1281
Shadowblind, NE Hunter
Phantom Lords
Anyone from there happen to pass through?
Many names on here I remember, the memories are flooding back! I played as:
Aurelie - human paladin
Busybee - gnome mage
Lothlorien - NE priest
I raided as Busybee but I can’t remember the guild name. A few names I remember are Khalid, Balimar, Violvet, Shoxx.
There was also the guild I founded way back in the day, Darksteel Vanguard. Phasee if you’re out there message me!
BattleTag Lothlorien#1752
Thanos!!! It’s Maranwe.