Malorne Alliance Reconnections

What’s going on Deens!!! Come join us on Thunderfury!

Hord or alliance? What’s your discord channel?

Remember you too mayummi!

Going to be Alliance

Hey long time! You were a priest right?! I’m on Alliance on Skeram and Kurinnaxx (as Mayummi). :slight_smile: Bnet is Mayummi#1410

Hey bro its Wiket the old mage officer from Phoenix Down
Spoons and I have reformed Phoenix down on Horde Kromcrush.
Hit me up if you want to come kill some internet dragons again.

What server did you choose on classic? Its Bishup lol

Matty its Kagogaru! I just sent you a Friends Request on Bnet!!! If you Guys have a discord i would Love to catch up with you Rolling And Ballz! I think i sent the Invite to Balz im not sure i saw this really early in the morning…

I’ll make a toon on there later today, and see if I can find y’all in game!

I remember you two (SHAKE N BAKE!) And Deens! Great to see y’all active again!

Redhands: Happyending

Redhands: Alcholic (posting on his behalf)

Both playing. Just wanted to say what’s up to

Not saying hi to Kegogaru or Dartseless :stuck_out_tongue:


HMU would like to hear from you.

Hey not cool bro!!! And me and Dart dont talk anymore.

I dont want to Share My discord on these forums> But add Me Mazorin#1813

Who all is with you guys over there, Tashed, Kissme?

Haven’t heard from Tashed, Kissme may come back in a month or two. Fand, Bero, Umbras, Tisi, Zaumi, Heartwork, Ulfsaar are playing. Probably forgetting some people as there are really varied activity levels.

cool seeing those names again, glad you all are well!

Also Cyberthief we miss you

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Fargus - Human Paladin, not sure if anyone from my old group is here. :slight_smile:

Character Name: Klein (Dwarf Warrior) & Ruut (NE Druid)

Guild: STING / Devils Paradise

I transferred over with everyone else to get off DW. Joined Tashed when DP was formed. Good times.

Night Elf Hunter

Can’t for the life of me remember what the guild name I was in.

Guild transferred to Deathwing during the free transfers.

Playing classic as a Horde Tauren Warrior on Rattlegore - Zakanon