Malicia PVP quest giver disappear

I took the quest overwhelming odds to kill 25 horde, killed them so i could get 350 conquest, now i go to quest giver and i cannot see him on my screen, yet my friend in my party can. Is this happening to anyone else?


Me and a guildy have also had the Pvp Questgiver disappear. She looked like she phased out right in front of me


Same for me, thought it was a bug so I dropped the other PvP quest (earn honor from ranked) in hopes of her re-phasing. Still missing and now I am down a quest haha.

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Is there any solution for it?? I can’t deliver the quests while she isn’t appearing.

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Same here.

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Im having the same issue. The vendor for the upgraded warmode gear (pvp quest turn in NPC) is just gone.

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same issue

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NPC Still MIA.

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Also having the same problem on my Warrior

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Same here. She gone.

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Same here. And I also got Wrathion MIA

Same here. Wtf Blizzard

Happening to me as well.

She is gone cause blizzard forgot to make trophies bop and people were selling them on the AH. This is why the Ah went down too. I’m sure they are trying to fix the people that bought full war mode gear. Or season one will be wrecked.