Mal'Ganis Horde Reconnections

Leviticus UD Priest Keine Neuen* don’t remember the correct spelling.
Trudat UD then Orc Rogue

Money aka Bossmaan here LF old homies, Nullify Nation where you at? WE DA BEST

Schank here from Pwny Express and RTARDZ.

Looking for a Troll Shaman named Vulgar who played at the Unplugged LAN center!!! Get at me dude… we miss you.

Crunkshot, Scourge of Mal’Ganis
Orc Hunter

I remember you, Ahira, good times! And you too Swigs!
Who is Dolphinteeth though?

Hey Tseng!
Pezzer - Resto Shaman
GCR > aeternus

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Looking for any members from the guild Puggin Aint Ez, especially a warrior named ericdraven, or a Deathknight named Chronic, Please help thanks!!

Oh dang man, i didnt see this, yeah how you doing!?

Lilty, Tauren Shaman. A lot of familiar names here!

Oh snap what server did you roll on you ugly sob!

Memory lane! Ilia the beast!

Come play classic on Skeram with me and Jedco!

Yo you never came back after xmas wtf who am I supposed to dance with!

Oh shazz-rah its Whauror, Caller says hi!

!!! Hello!! I’m still playing sometimes! Mostly on classic but new patch tomorrow oOOOOoooooo

For those that may be late to the game or looking to join up with some Malganis people, we have a guild on Kromcrush Horde that is going strong. We have many players from both Horde and Alliance. Add me on bnet buck#12119 or message one of us in game

I got my second binding tonight baby!

Acidphreak, Rogue.

I can’t remember my old guild name for the life of me. Played with Everblazin, Teneke, Whauror, Rhinopolis, our angry asian leader who played mage LMFAO! In game name escapes me, I’m sure I’ll remember as soon as I post this. I’m over on Bigglesworth playing Rogue again :smiley:

Oops posted on my alt.

It was Kindore! my brother, Caller, and I have never forgotten Acidfreak =p

Hezakhi- Druid
Shanknasty- Rogue

[Cold Vengeance], [Midnight Massacre]

Looking for old friends: Wordoh, Lighthoof, Artomis, OoKaneOo, Jayana