Whats up Foggy!
For all old / members that ran with me, Nerd, Lavrute, and all the others; shoot me a message on Discord. ( Dolamite#7497 )
We’ve got a Discord going for us to just BS regardless of where everyone is rolling.
A lot of us are headed to Blaumeaux-PVP on release day as well. (Shifted from Stalagg due to time zones)
Zuraj the Troll Rogue from < Jihaad for Thrall >
I totally forgot about DGS until reading this. I’m pretty sure I was in both DGS and Grinders Inc with you. My original toon was an ele/resto Troll Shaman, Reservoirdog. I haven’t played in about a decade, and haven’t been on Mal’ganis since probably 2007, so my memory from then is pretty bad.
Troll Shaman (ele/resto)
Deranged Gnome squishers, Grinders Inc, Harlequins, Nocturn…
I played from release until about AQ on Mal ganis, then quit and started back up on Gilneas (an old roomate got me back) from TBC-cata. I haven’t decided on a server yet (I was leaning toward normal rather than pvp, but nothing is set), so if there’s anyone who remembers me, or just shares my desire to power level and start old school raids, hit me up.
Akacow, Tauren Druid
Raided with Clan VXIX, I remember Blackdomina, Huggies, Euronymous and Killercow.
Gonna play Classic, looking for any of the old faces!
Guild Autopsy
A lot of us are playing on Thalnos
Glad to see so many old faces.
Natheddamu, Orc Warlock
Kathuzad, Undead Warrior
Played with a number of folks over the years: Fists of the North, Aftermath, Turtle Clan, Paranoid Turtles, to name a few.
Always fun to randomly run into old friends.
Onos, Undead Mage
Guild: Aftermath
I played since day 1 and was apart of the original 40 man raid squad that took down Onyxia and Molten core.
Vallak - I was Noximus’ (Tauren Warrior) roommate , and ended up being a fill in for some of the other Warlocks from time to time in Aftermath.
Malzra, Orc Shaman
I’m particularly looking for four people. Maces, rogue. Eltanko, Druid. Qar, warrior. Penaltybox, honestly i dont remember but he was an awesome guy.
Bexora (Orc Rogue) in Pastafarian
Char BullHonky
Any old Grinders inc/sliver peeps out there want to join a nice chunk of the old guild we are rolling on Skeram, but we don’t F’n roll on Shabbos!
I was in Wrath up until they allowed transfers off. We moved to a less populated one, a few of us are getting back together to play classic.
Hey Kaja,
It’s been a while! I’m Acidnynex - Mage, Acidpierce - Hunter, Deathsneaks - Rogue, Xaxas - Warrior, Calfbreed - Druid, Acid…other things. GCR from Vanilla until now. Lamp, sand…
Server: Mal’ganis
Characters: Dimok, Komid, Sunsteel
Guilds: Goon Squad, The Praetorian Guard
Good to see some familiar faces around. See you folks online!
edit: I remember Hi. Pretty sure you were the first level 60, and a pet named Yo.
Character: Futrid
Guilds: Early I was in Pastafarians, and my memory is foggy, but I think I was there for quite a while.
Many years later I returned and was in Grog Addicts.
I was in others, but those are the 2 I primarily remember. If you remember me, please refresh my memory. In fact, I think the most time I spent raiding was in a different guild completely, and I can’t remember the name. It was during the final raids of the Lich King expansion, and I was the swing healer, playing resto/ele shaman.
I should have a fair amount of free time in the near future, but haven’t landed on a server yet. Been playing on and off since vanilla really, but BFA lost my interest a while ago, so haven’t played in quite a while. It would be great to land in a guild that plans to progress, and requires a resto shaman.