Malfurion is probably the wisest leader the alliance currently has

Superman characters are problematic because logically they should just be able to solve all our problems for us. So the writing team keeps having to come up with reasons why they don’t (like having Malfurion just be asleep for years, or captured in the Nightmare, or having Thrall lose his mojo because reasons).

Or, and this happens all the time now in the WoW story, we basically just ignore that they exist when they aren’t convenient. Why didn’t Jaina rescue the Alliance at the Broken Shore, for example?


Again what common ground was there to be had? Even if malfurion completely endorsed magic and it’s practice other prominent night elves like the shadow songs were opposed to it. The highborne in the same sense saw the low borne as inferior. Sometimes the only middle ground is to allow both societies to live in peace.


I mean for the jaina question it’s quite obvious. A warlock that can single handedly summon the burning legion shatter the very world with the cypher of damnation and create the foundations of necromancy is at a higher level of power than jaina. As far as malfurion goes he isn’t invincible he can be killed just as easily as any other mortal


On a serious note do you think there could ever be reconciliation between the two races? I feel like the vast difference between the high borne and druids Is that the druids had a teacher someone to guide them in the use of nature magic and what not to do while the highborne simply learned from their own failures.if you look at dalaran’s rules of magic they were written by dath’remar and adopted by the humans. I think the high elves and blood elves are far more humble than what they were 10000 years ago.

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I mean…maybe?

Given what we’ve seen Jaina do lately, I’m not convinced. After all, they were both attacked by an entire Horde raid, and we kicked Gul’dan’s butt, whereas Jaina merely toyed with us and then teleported away.

Which was my point anyway. Why didn’t Jaina just rescue everyone when things went south? She’s been shown doing mass teleportations before. But that wouldn’t have been convenient so she was basically vanished from the plot.

Same reason Malfurion is conveniently absent all the time. Including right now - do you honestly expect me to believe that the Horde is holding their own in Darkshore against Malfurion and Tyrande, without even having Sylvanas there? Why isn’t he the final boss the Horde fights in that warfront?

Because we’d lose.


Sure I do. Even posted about it way back when:

I also always believed that the Night Elves and High Elves could reunite:


Gul’dan is a living demigod and while jaina is powerful she couldn’t stand the to toe with him alone she would be on the losing end of a very epic battle. As far as mass teleporting everyone idk if that’s a viable option we aren’t talking about a small group of friends we are talking about the literal marching armies of the two most powerful factions in the world that’s a huge undertaking, and with a warlock capable of God knows what it wouldn’t be a prudent strategy

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I think Jaina could easily give him a run for his money as long as he wasn’t tapping into some sort of magic pool like in Suramar.

Gul’dan is a demigod? Wut? He didn’t seem that tough when he was crying for his mommy after my raid kicked his butt. Unlike, once again, Jaina, who at best became mildly annoyed and left once she had made sure that her fleet was safe. I believe that when she reported back to Anduin she also seemed slightly out of breath.

And she wouldn’t have had to teleport an army (even though she has been shown doing exactly that). She just would have had to teleport one guy. But where was she? Oh right, my point…she was conveniently absent because the writers wanted Varian to die a tragic death.

Oh yeah…Gul’dan was even being juiced up when we crushed him. Jaina didn’t need help to handle us just fine.


I think it would have been a lot more possible had kael’thalas not become a villian. I imagine malfurion looking at kael’s journey from a hot headed prince into a wise leader like his father and forefathers before him and malfurion realizing great power without guidance is the corrupting factor, and offering himself council as a substitute for his late honored father.

She actually did, she had Kul Tiran ships bombarding the raid and had Kul Tiran soldiers attacking.

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Again you are extremely misguided if you think jaina could have stopped gul’dan by herself it took the grand magistrate of suramar helping us to stop him, and while she helped her fleet escape she wasn’t mildly annoyed she was on the verge of defeat and had the sense to escape it was not a fight she could have won.

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And Gul’dan had demons. Plus, Jaina’s fleet was worse than useless: their firepower gave us the means to counter her ice magic. It’s the only reason we were able to survive at all.

How many times must it be said that gameplay=lore? My point is she fought the Horde with other solders so saying she singlehandly stopped the Horde heroes is false.

As for Gul’dan yes he had demons help him, I never denied that, but I’d point out he was summoning said demons.

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I mean to be quite honest the only reason Gul’dan failed was that he didn’t take us seriously he was so close to his end game he didn’t even see us as a threat, had he not spent the majority of the raid attempting to summon sargeras into illidan’s corpse we would have likely died.

My apologies I see what you’re saying.

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Like… the felstorm in the giant temple right behind him?

And yes, I know I am arguing for Gul’dan here and poking fun at Jaina for not teleporting people in the other thread. The main problem ties in to both, though: Blizzard just decided not to write Jaina at that point any more.

Plausible. But without Kael’that going villain the Blood Elves wouldn’t be the Blood Elves they are in WoW now, so it’s hard to speculate what the Blood Elves would even be like, because this would really have to go all the way back to Kael’thas never joining Illidan in Outland, since the Night Elves started getting worried about the Blood Elves playing with fel after.

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Not exactly the only two Key factors that needed to change was kael refusing kil’jaden and returning to quel’ thalas at the behest of the scryers. After that the sunwell could have easily been restored with the same vial that illidan gifted kael’thalas


The Sunwell should have been restored by having the Blood Elves murder the captured Na’aru by tossing her in it, not as part of a noble sacrifice she made. We were cooler when we were ruthless survivalists.


That is a good angle I hadn’t considered, and I like that idea, especially since Scryers are my preferred Shattrath reputation (even though I switched back and forth from exalted with both Scryers and Aldor multiple times for BiS stat purposes… I’ll never go back to those hardcore raiding days…)

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Ehhh idk I think the whole na’ruu crap should have been cut completely. Like seriously I feel like blood elves basically accepted the equivalent of human Jesus to save themselves from magic addiction. It feels like some weird AA ten step program

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