Haha thats right my brother got that picture sent to you. And I will actually be rolling horde on Whitemane with some RL friends of mine and my brother said he won’t be playing it last I heard.
Wow I remember so many of you. Krylancelo, Undead Shadow Priest here. I used to be in Imperial Consortium as well as Hades Faction, Seventh Circle, and a few others I’m sure. I see a lot of names I remember! I think a bunch of people are going to be rolling WoW Classic on Stalagg, Alliance side if anyone wants to join us!
Alioria, hunter
Sargoff - if you see this and are going to be playing…let me know. You know how.
Turker - Paladin
Rhunok - Priest
Muaddee - Klatto Verata Nicto
Wow… I totally forgot about Magestain until now
Faylynn Nightelf Rogue, Ninevolt Resto Shaman. Frozen Pheonix and Unrest.
If I remember you played with riled?
Hey Silke! I was in Altered Reality with you Zitania#1423 if you want to catch up
Name: Bearcat {Dwarf Priest}
Guild: Affliktion
Guildmates: Sneed, Fhatty, Gaias, Oneystar, Rothiah, Pepeesio, Rangerjt, Wynn etc
Trinitystate - Dwarf - Priest
I cannot remember the name of the guild i was in primarily, I really wish I could!! What a group we had… I believe Painfree was someone I use to play with.
I was also in Paragon for a bit, right before AQ became a thing. I seem to remember a Female NE Resto Druid who coached me through big time raids… I also remember them running me through ZG and MC nonstop to get me geared in time…
Ysiteria. This is Taarkan and Dayanara!! What server are you planning on playing on?
Hey Ardent! Taarkan and Dayanara here! What server are you playing on?
That was all of us in Paragon at the time. A priest named Rhino actually got the scarab mount. It was a lot of fun. I was GM, but that guild was made up of lots of folks that came over from first gen servers. We had a ton of really good folks.
Most of what I remember is watching LS die horribly to green dragons and Sissy “Two Sunders” being angry at me all the time. Good days.
I moved to EU and played with a couple of progression guilds there. I just moved back to the US last year. I’m looking forward to all the newer players realizing that WoW actually used to be hard. Azshara herb farming ftw.
There she is! Already angry at me.
Fear Ward ftw
Aggromiester: Dwarf Warrior
AggroThief: Gnome warlock
Guild: Singularity
I remember many of the names popping up here.
Draco here chiming in. What server you all gonna play on?
I went by Gypsyluv, LilGypsy - I was a Gnome Mage. I forgot what guild I was in. Gosh! It was so long ago.
Yea well, you still can’t have him