Malfurion Alliance Reconnections

Nun - Human Priest
Nunwarrior - NE Warrior

Guild: Singularity

Definitely a lot of nostalgia seeing the old names, and omg those videos bring back plenty

Horde - Faerlina in Classic :blush:

Better yet, who doesn’t lol

Malitor and tons of other alts (Meknalar, Nakisha, Nawen, Sharwynn, Darkcutter).
Guilds were:
Warriors from Within
Lords of War

Man, seeing all these other guild names really brings back memories.

Aldric - Warrior
Aldrik - Priest

Guilds Singularity, Unrest

Those that I’ve kept track of from back in the day will be rolling on Pagle.


Xtricity - Human Warrior

Guild: Ascensio

I remember shuken, thornicas, katman, moshne, poncho, biscuits, auracle, embargho, skeazzy, yame, kaydrith, jdogg, scorch.

I remember you. I was in Ascensio when you were raid leading.

Risingstar - Human Mage - Lost Serenity & Paragon
Hi Sissy & Lun. Do you guys know if Purina or BW still plays?
Anyone from Visions of Warfare?

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Hey Fed! LSMages, I heard Kenois is still around too.

Hello Sissy, not sure if you remind me Kirrah, NE druid, played with you and the guild for BWL, AQ and Naxx, reporting for duty if you gething a guild together =D


Nice, another VOW buddy! Atrue or our other NE Rogue cant think of his name at the moment still around?


Zomg! Field Marshal Shalkridson - Dwarf Warrior
Guilds : Lost Serenity, Condemened Souls, Promethean

Many people I remember in this thread lol. Howdy bros!


Night Elf Rogue
La Costra Nostra

I know only like 2 people here care, but an update: I’ll be playing on STALAGG Horde side now due to Herod overpopulation. Name is still Immoral. Hope to see some of you there!

I haven’t kept up with anyone from LS. Still have good memories though. Also remember the hours long /afk dungeon crawls through molten core and the AQ40 trash packs from hell.

Omg all the memories this brings back seeing all those guilds in Stormwind and Ironforge.

Swordslayer, Night Elf Hunter
Shadowambush, Gnome Rogue
Guilds: Unrest, The Dark Legion.

I will never forget Venks 08/25/06 or Huddyboy or Winestain. Memes before memes existed.

Hey Cavalier, its Swordslayer or Shadowambush from back in the day. I was Thorynis’s brother. He was a night elf hunter. I remember I had a really old screenshot on my old computer of you in Ashenvale where there was horde attacking our city. You were level 27 at the time lol. Wish I still had it. Loved those old world pvp moments.

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Holy Jesus - I came here with only one name I even slightly remember from vanilla and it was yours.

I first started WoW on a warlock named Linix in the Hand of God guild and I throughly remember a rogue named Elijah being super helpful despite me being 9(?) years old.

Add me on Bnet man, Cody#14695

For The Horde!


Shalk bro

You’re the murdoch to my cade


I definitely remember Thorynis and I definitely remember that screenshot of that Astranaar defense raid because he showed it to me a few years later. I was complaining in Local Defense about something and generally being whiny as usual! If you (or any other former TDL or TDL-adjacent players) are interested, a bunch of us are rolling on Mankrik Alliance for Classic. I’m Cavalier#1837.