Malefic Cores, can now not be caught up

Which one? There is about 10 of them lol.

I also have replied to all of those. However the context is different than this one. We have now reached the point where people can never catchup and be current on cloak progression.

Good point. I’m just tired of it and leveling alts now lol

That has already been covered in the other thread with thousands of views if you actually read it.

Again, have read it, have 10+ posts in all of those.

That is not covered, as this JUST happened.

We could catch up. Till yesterday.

Me putting an 11th and 12th post in those old threads, isnt going to help getting Blizzards attention. For one reason, they dont read anything past the 5th post lol.

I just want to be able to use my TD3 gloves without getting an eye that forces me to move while tanking.

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And you waited 5 months Into the system to decide to play your alt? Let’s be honest. People in here just want to spam simple HV’s to catch up. Most have never and will never down N’Zoth.

I’m sure they will be easy to get come pre-patch.

Look again…I just bumped it. :man_facepalming:

You have lots of time still… shadowlands isnt coming till q4 2020 so probably december or maybe november. Which means prepatch at the earliest wont drop till october.
Considering were still in alpha of shadowlands i cant see it releasing earlier than December

Creating new posts on the same issues and burying one that always covers your OP topic and has thousands of more views, is only doing a disservice.

+1 OP

completely agree. It really puts all this gating garbage into perspective. So much gated content now. really sad what they have done to this game.

I implore everyone that hasn’t already replied to the post that has thousands of views titled “Blizzard! Your Malefic Core Catch up Mechanic is Becoming a Growing Concern For Every Further Week!” should do so instead to help give a better chance grabbing the attention of Blizzard. I noticed that a lot of Blizzard replies is based off at least 6k views for the post.

That’s because you think you have the right to play as many alts as you want and have them maxed out with little to no effort. Blizzard disagrees.

In vanilla you couldn’t even switch specs because it was so expensive. You’re playing the wrong kind of game.

man, shut up.

been playing since BC and I have ALWAYS had lots of alts to play. In wrath I had 5-6 toons that were running heroic and doing arena. In MOP and WOD I had 7-8+. In BFA I have 3 and I can’t even do what I used to enjoy because of trying to keep things current.

please stop with these dumb, ignorant responses. I want the game we have always had.


I’m impressed you did the 9 week time gated legendary cloak/ring quests on that many characters lol.

Then the ring had an upgrade system from killing normal or above archimond on top of it.

I couldn’t be bothered past 2.

Sounds like a “you problem”. One HV per week to keep up is hardly a monumental task.

You should be able to buy cores for 10,000 echoes.

And yet people are creating further replies on this post that has 200 views instead of the one that already covers this that has over 4,000. You people sure are getting Blizzard’s attention. Smh… :man_facepalming:

Just make them grindable from visions, a no mask full clear is extremely quick and only costs like 1,750 echoes.

it’s just fun… using the corruptions is actually fun. the corruption system is finally fleshed out with the corruption vendor yet we still have this timegated cloak crap

Which is why they should just go stupid with it. It’s late in the expansion, who cares?

Make it so you can grind Malefic Core up until the cap. Yeet the Corruption vendor rotation and just have them all there at once.

Increase Echo of Nyalotha generation by tenfold.

Nothing in this expansion matters anymore, may as well let people go full Diablo.