Male worgen update, good job so far, still more to do

The heads got alot of work, and look alot better. It seems this is where 90% of the work went.

The bodies not so much… There’s still room for considerable improvement:


The male worgen still have screwed up animations. Like, look at the sitting animation “SitGroundDown”. The ankles bend backward. Can also be seen on “SitGround”

The elbows and knees still bend with “twisting”. The elbow looks alot better with the faster weight transition. The thighs are still pretty bad. Look at “Meditate” to see it… basically, it seems like the twist bone should be used, but weighting altered to be high along the top of the thigh nearly all the way back to the waist to make it look better… the transition should be very short along the top and longer on the underside. Twist the thighs legs into position instead of rotating the whole leg.
Though the elbows are better, the shoulders still have the problem in full… look at “MountSelfFall” The twist + bend causes the bad motion.

They still have the rigid-set hips. This didn’t used to be so bad, but was made much worse in a temporary fix at the start of legion to ‘fix’ the belt warping at the expense of making the animations poorer. It also put the waistline well above the navel (grandpa-pants). This is, for some reason, the thing that bugs me more than anything else. It screws up the looks of alot of transmogs with the very-highly-placed waistline.
It was inexplicably not fixed… Look at the “ParryUnarmed” animation to really see this… look how the hip actually bends backward and up. That whole placement of the material groups and it’s rigidity makes the waist look foolish. Other ones that desmonstrate it: “UseStandingLoop” , “EmoteChicken”
The “lateral” version of this problem is in “AttackOff”.

To see the waist-line height placement problem, look at “LocSpellPrecast” or “LoadThrown”. Look at where the leg actually bends, then at where the waistline and belts of armor is going to be… it’s way off.

To fix that ‘overlapping’ chest problem, the weights of the vertices under the pectorals were added to a bit. Basically, just more of the chest bends in a curved motion so that they don’t ‘fold over’ as much. It actually works decently… it causes the problem of the ribcage ‘bending inward’ when the spine curves, but it’s not that noticeable. It looks better than the old model I think, at least.


Basically, it’s alot of work on the heads (The most painstaking, yay!), new textures, and the running and walking animation got updated. The body still needs alot of work. Maybe the body hasn’t been finished !


Please put in an upright posture option or don’t bother.

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if you’re basing these criticisms on the wowhead model view just note.
This is WoWhead’s model viewer and a lot of the animations are still encrypted and or missing on the PTR which will be added in other builds so WoWhead just fills them in with the old model’s animations


Too bad the new Goblin models are awful.

All of the new Goblin faces look the same, and none of them look anything like the old faces.

The face this character is using now is gone.

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Unfortunately that seems to be just how all the races are designed. In order to give the faces more expression, the team must have decided to give every race/gender a single face and the “face options” are slight tweaks, wrinkles, and patterns here and there. That design started with Pandaren and carried over to all the re-works.

All structurally the same but the visual design is a teensy bit different, and it’s sad to see the Goblins appear the same way. I’ll have to take a look at them in the model viewer.

What face? You’re wearing a mask.

I hope blizzard is paying attention to constructive criticism like yours OP.

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Ah I see, That’s what I was kinda hoping.

The updates are already good, people doing it seems pretty good at their work. Knowing how management seems to rush things to great detriment, I’m hoping they had/have time to apply the same skill to the whole setup.

See the eyes peering over the mask? Those eyes are gone— the new models have nothing similar.