Male Worgen have a new running animation

If you log into PTR

Looks more aggressive, more ‘‘predator’’ LOVE IT


This thread didn’t need to be made.

Relax, he’s excited for a race he enjoys, I say kudos to you OP, good to see Worgens getting some love.


Who piddled in your Cheerios? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’m glad he made this thread. I didn’t know they changed it. I miss the old lope. I hope this new run is good.


Well guess its a good thing you dont get to decide what people are allowed to talk about. TC is entirely within his right to give positive feedback (rare right?) here.

And like Rhielle said, I would have had no idea this changed if he had not said something. Ill have to hop on the PTR later and check it out.


I can’t wait to see it. The new walk feels way to jaunty for my tastes. Hopefully the heritage armor gets some rework love too.

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Huh. I got used to the new run we have now. I wasn’t expecting them to change it again. Here’s hoping it’s good.

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So I hopped on the PTR to check it out and here is a comparison.

Is what we have in game live right now and this…

Is what it is on the PTR. Maybe I just lack an eye for fine detail but I am not seeing any major difference.


I’m not seeing it either, but was going to ask if it was for the females too. Thanks for checking it out, and showing us though. :slight_smile:

People who don’t play male Worgen or didn’t really pay attention to the animation probably won’t notice the difference. But the difference is actually very significant.

Byucknah I cannot post a video like you but if you can remove the armor on your character and show the front and side views, it would help see the difference.

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That looks great! I’m seeing the difference.

Looks like I had better roll a Worgen, between the new faces and new run I think I’m liking Worgen. Couldn’t get really involved in them previously.

Edited for typo (that’s what I get when I don’t read what I write.)


Focus on the arms, on how they move, and you’ll see it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I see that now, really have to look at arms. Doesn’t seem ‘real’ drastic to me, but if it makes people happy, that’s a good thing.

I am interested in hearing if they did some changes to the females too. They have some run issues of their own.


Why not?

Kamii is interested in playing Worgens. Let him be.


Thanks for this post! I will check it out rn.

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Good news for Worgen. Now I wish human females had their run reworked. It looks so goofy and clunky. :sob:


Oh yeah, no I am seeing it in the arms and shoulders now. When I get some time I will try to get a front side view without armor as well. But now that you point it out I think I see the difference.

EDIT: Okay, so, here are the comparisons from the front side without the shoulder armor or gloves.



Also, gotta say, for anyone worried the new glow wouldn’t be that bright this also really shows off the new DK glow effect’s brightness as well. Anyway, as an aside, maybe I just don’t notice it as I don’t “main” Worgen but I still have a hard time seeing the difference.


Even as an animator, It took some focus, as I never play male worgen, but I see the difference. When an arm goes back + up, it stays there for a moment, giving the whole animation a more realistic running “bounce” look. In the current animation, it goes forward immediately with no response like that.

It’s also one of Disney’s 12 principles of animation: anticipation.


Well shoot, as long as those who play Worgen can see it I suppose that is all that matters right? :slight_smile:

Glad that, from all the comments, everyone seems to be happy about this :slight_smile:


Which I dislike. It’s too bright. I’m tired of flashlights.