Male or Female Orc Lock?

Animations on male orc for warlock are dope. Female for deviate delight femhuman and also smaller for pvp targeting? Help. :). Feel male looks a little silly on the horse too but buffs out with awesome animations

Which every makes you want to say Zug Zug more to that should be your choice.

Tbh, Male orc makes me feel super zug zug. Also debating between orc/UD still but that 25% resist makes life a lot easier as a warlock in pvp.

Female orcs are nightmare fuel. Male orcs are much less so.

But some zug zug male orc casting a soulfire :thinking:

Female all the way, those abs bro :smiley:

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You’ve got to factor group morale in to this though. Is picking something like say, a male dwarf worth having your group/raid looking at them, and most likely vomiting? Probably not. Thankfully there’s female dwarves.

The same thing applies to orcs, although in the case of orcs it’s nowhere near as terrible as having to look at a male dwarf. There’s almost nothing as bad as looking at those dudes that perma-cast fear ward from their face.

hahahaha, fair enough.