Male or Female, Human Mage

Classic Wizard, or Jaina knock off?

I don’t have a name for a female Mage but I do have one for a Male. Arcanidas. Which is Arcane and Antonidas smashed together.

Male so you can have magical muscles


I mean, constantly running around. Avoiding AoEs, fighting giant monstrosities that could flatten the typical person has to build up some muscle.

On a serious note, a body slider for humans would be pretty nice. And long flowing beards. I mean the kind that make a Dwarf proud.

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Arcanidas, if pronounced Are-can-eye-duhs, sounds like an Earthen mage’s name as well.

IMO just name the mage something gender neutral so you can swap whenever you like and you don’t have to pick :slight_smile:

That is the thing I regret about choosing Rita. If only I knew free gender swaps were coming when I named her, I wouldn’t have named her this. She would be named Icecream or something else which is universally loved except by the lactose intolerant.

Believe me if I could I probably would have.

Hell when I go making a character I even make little backstories for them even though I have no intention of Rping.

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I vote for ladymage, because they are prettier and also because I don’t like the whole “Conan the Librarian” musclemage thing lol


Female, the animations are better.


Always female in WoW tbh. Most of the male models are just godawful roid rage lookin’ messes. Or they’re just ugly.

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Honestly you can’t really tell when they are fully robed up.

If you can name it Alex, Max, or Chris. Those names work either way.

I’d have a better chance at winning the lottery. I mean I might be able to get them on brand new servers.

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The mileage of my ideas vary widely.

::holds nose::

If you must go human, go female.

taps the sign
You don’t have to be fantastical to appreciate the fantastic.


Classic Wizzard would be this:

If we had skinny Kul’Tiran, the hat and the beard it could happen.


Theres no such thing as gender neutral. Unless youre a lizard. Its male or female.

feels the rage in discussion

Excuse me while i exit the chat.

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I mean your name is pretty gender neutral. If your character were male you’d get less second looks than when Rita was male.

What do you think about “Mystiara” for a Female Mage?

I’d say it’s nice but that your male name is better.